Friday, December 30, 2011

4 hours of sleep is heaven

While a new baby is such a miracle, she also brings many changes and challenges to our life right now.

- I haven't sleep much in 2 weeks and it looks like that will be the case for a few months. The most heavenly sleep is a 4 hr stretch one night as Alexis slept for 4.5 hours. Most of the time I get anywhere from 30 min to 2 hrs at a time. Maybe at most 6 hrs total in a few segments - the price I pay for breast feeding her instead of using formula. She is worth it. I love watching her eyelashes grow among other things.
- I eat 6 times a day and seem always dehydrated. Milk production is no easy task I guess. I am basically a milk making and delivery machine right now.
- Agnes helps me at night and daddy is sleeping with isabel now. Both changes also result in less sleep for them as we all adapt to the new arrangement. Isabel misses yaya but is getting better at sleeping with daddy now and vice versa.
- its so nice my mom is here to make me yummy soup and food. Will need to figure out what to eat after she leaves
- I am still taking pain medication for the c section. With isabel. It took 3 month to recover. I am hoping it will only take 6 weeks this time. Will see.
- it took me 18 months to lose most of my weight. Hope I can do it again.

Wish us luck.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Isabel loves to dress up

Of all the expensive presents isabel got - toys, piano, bicycle etc..., isabel love this simple dress up set she got from agnes. Look at the fake earrings, pink purse and pink sandals. Her cousin Gabby got the same present but in purple. Now she walks around everywhere in the house in those high heel sandals.


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy Holidays 2011

Dear friends,

We want to wish you happy holidays.  2011 has been a very eventful year for the Lapena family.
  • Our biggest news, of course, is the birth of our second daughter on Dec 15, 2011, Alexis Ling ( ) Lapena.  You can see a lot more photos, videos and news of Alexis on our blog at  We feel truly blessed to have a very healthy girl.  We are all still adjusting to the schedule but the look of her angelic face everyday makes it all worth it.
  • Isabel has become a very social, talkative, opinionated, active little girl.  Isabel started Mandarin preschool two days a week in June.  She is now almost fluent in Mandarin and loves talking to me and grandma/grandpa Han in Mandarin.  She also loves her Karate classDance class, and swimming classes.  She is very excited to be the big sister now although she is still adjusting to having to share us with Alexis. We are all enjoying our interaction with her and watching her grow every day. 
  • Jaime had a big year.  He started work at a start-up called Assistly (a customer service software company) in Feb - as Director of Marketing. He is learning a ton from the executive team and loves what he does.  In late September, it was bought by  While he didn't make a fortune, they made it worthwhile for him to stay.  The only downside is he is working a lot more as now he has even more aggressive goals to meet.
  • Lei had quite a rewarding year as well.   I didn't work in the corporate world all year. I am enjoying motherhood and dabbling in entrepreneurship. I launched two websites, learned SEO, paid search, and truly found my passion in providing career advice and helping people develop soft skills.  My blog now attracts over 13k visitors worldwide a month. 
  • Agnes continues to be an invaluable part of our family. We are so thankful to have her in our life
We look forward to another year of growth and adventure next year.  Best wishes in 2012

Lei, Jaime, Isabel, Alexis, and Agnes 

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Home sweet home

We set up Alexis' crib in our living room and agnes with Isabel's help decorated. Alexis is very happy in her home environment.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Best friends forever

Two years ago, I started a mothers group in our neighborhood so that isabel can have more kids to play with. Since then, she has became best of friends with several kids who live nearby - Ayza is one of them.
Ayza lives in one of the townhouse. Her front door and kitchen window can be seen from our balcony. Isabel and Ayza are only 10 days apart in age and loves to play with each other.
Sadly we found out their family is moving to Hillsboro at the end of this month. We plan to keep in touch but obviously isabel will not see Ayza as often then. So isabel got this friendship bracelet and hat for Ayza for the holidays.
May they grow up together and always be good friends

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sister Forever

Isabel is quickly adopting the big sister role. While she definitely exhibit some jealousy, she is also very loving and curious toward baby Alexis. Can't wait to see them play together.

Love at First Sight

I am a romantic but still I didn't believe in love at first sight until I became a mother. When isabel was born, I was in love instantly with her.

Before Alexis was born, I was worried. Do I have enough love for both? How do I split my love for each? Well, I needn't worry. Love for Alexis did not not take away any of my love for isabel. It's more like my heart just grew bigger to love both differently.

I am happy to say that it was also love at first sight for Alexis. What's not to love? Such a pure face, soft skin and unconditional love just poured from her. I can only react equally.

These two pics are one of isabel and one of Alexis from the hospital. Can u tell which is which?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Marathon Feeding

Alexis is 5 days old.  Yesterday was her first day home and it was quite a challenge.  Three days ago, in the hospital, I got my milk early but she didn't know how to breast feed well yet.  I was so frustrated that I had to give her a little formula even though I had milk for her.  She was falling asleep every min instead of trying to feed from me.

So I was wishing hard that she learns quickly how to breast feed. I loved doing it with Isabel and so I didn't want to miss out with Alexis.   Well, Alexis is a fast learner.  After seeing a lactation consultant in the hospital, I learned how to teach Alexis to breast feed and she learned fast.  and I got my wish a little too well.

That brings me to last night and my Marathon breast feeding session.  She turned into a baby that can't get enough breast milk.  I fed her at 11:30pm and then try to sleep a little.  Alexis woke up at 1:30 and the Marathon begins from 1:30am to 6am of almost non stop breast feeding.

  • she pooped first and then I fed her on both side for 20 min each
  • I went back to sleep at 2:20am only to wake at 2:48 am to find her hungry again
  • fed her again on both side for 20 min each.
  • she pooped again and still wanted more.  Now it's almost 4am
  • I fed her again on both side for 20 min each
  • Both Agnes and I tried to put her down and I had a chance to eat a snack.  so hungry after she ate so much.
  • Well, as soon as I finished eating, she fussed again wanted more food at 5am
  • Fed her more from 5-6am until finally she passed out at 6am.
I have never had to breast feed for 4.5 hours before.  It was quite an experience.  Agnes and I were both exhausted.  But I got my wish.  Now she eats more than Isabel did at her age.  I guess I need to be careful what I wish for.   :-)   Thankfully, she slept from 6am - 10am so I got about 3 hours of sleep within that to start the day anew.

She is now on a 2 hour feeding schedule during the day.  From beginning feeding time to the next one is 2 hours, so if I feed her at 10am for 45 min to an hour, then I feed her again at 12pm then 2pm and so on.   I guess this is why new moms never get enough sleep.  She has been good today sleeping after feeding.

It's 9pm now and I am bracing for another interesting night.  wish me luck.


Monday, December 19, 2011

Isabel welcomes Alexis

Today, isabel came to the hospital to help Alexis gets discharged and welcome her home.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sleepy family

Both isabel and jaime fell asleep earlier today next to my hospital bed. What a family.

First successful feeding

It's amazing how complicated breast feeding can be. This time my milk came in two days which is super fast but Alexis didnt learn how to suck until just now. So I have been engorged and worried sick that she doesn't have enough to eat although I had the milk. After a day of struggle (pumping, hand express, training her how to get the milk and tons of worrying), she has her first successful feeding - 20 min of almost continuous large sucking (she use to stop after two motions), she promptly fell asleep here satisfied and I finally feel content to have fed her well. Looking forward to the next feeding in about an hour and 20 min.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Already a protective big sister

Winner of cutest cheeks contest

I know I am biased but I must say Alexis has the cutest cheeks I have ever seen. :-)

Alexis Ling (玲) Lapena

We just received the best Xmas gift ever.   On Thursday Dec 15th at 1038am, our second daughter was born by C section at the CPMC Hospital in San Francisco.  Everything went very smoothly.

Introducing our new daughter - Alexis Ling (玲) Lapena born on Dec 15, 2011.  Alexis means "defender" and 玲 means a "tinkling of jade" and it means "clever, intelligent" in Chinese.  We picked this name probably in August already and just couldn't think of any better names after that.  The weird thing is the name Alexis is only one letter different from the name Isabel.  I guess they are just meant to be sisters.  Alexis is born year of the rabbit.  Read here for more personalities of people born this year. 

Alexis was born 8 lb 5oz and 20inches long.   Both mommy and Alexis are healthy and doing fine - enjoying our first moments together :-)


p.s: No gifts pls as we are overflowing with clothes and toys. We gladly accept hand me downs and if you insist, gift cards to Target or Amazon.  thanks.

Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How fast Isabel has grown

I remember thinking when she was just 1, how far away 3 years old is and in a flash she is already almost 4 years old.  Wow, here are the highlights

4 weeks - she was already sleeping 5 hours straight at night
6 week - her first long giggle.  It was so cute
12 weeks or so - can flip over after much effort
5 months - started scooting, the beginning of crawling
5 months - also when we did the dreaded sleep training - took 3 tries and was so hard but then she started sleeping through the night
9 months - standing and walking around the table
1 year exactly - took her first steps independent in the hall way
1-2 years - basic words and learning how to go from walking to running
1.5 years - mommy started a mothers group in the building and she started making friends - ayza, ellie, ronan, ronen, darwin, newton, nadia, etc..
2 years - love the word no although was never too terrible.
2.2 years - started walking "qiao hu" which is the Chinese educational cartoon with the Tiger.  loves it
2.5 years - talking in sentences
3 years - started with the whys but not too much.  I guess because we always explains things to her.  She hasn't harassed us with endless whys.
3.1 years - started preschool 2 days a week in Mandarin
3.4 years - can speak Mandarin in full sentences and understand mama in Mandarin wow
3.5 years - started grinding her teeth at night - a habit of most little ones I heard until they are 6. ugh.
3.6 years - a very talkative young lady, social, friendly, smart, shares, and loving.  She loves hanging with her friends just running and giggling.  She is ready to welcome her little sister.

I am so blessed to be her mama.


Isabel loves "pai pai"

I am not sure if every child is like this, but I was like this as a kid.  Whenever I can't sleep, I would ask my mom to "pai pai" me - which is pat me on the back rhythmically until I fall asleep.  It gave me a sense of comfort and safety as the rhythm help me sleep and the contact ensures me that mommy is always there.

I started "pai pai" Isabel a year ago.  She love it and now it's kind of a routine at night and sometimes during naps. She like it pretty light and the funny thing is as I do it for her, it actually help me sleep too as it's so repetitive.

another trivia about Isabel


"I utot"

"utot" is one of the few words that Isabel knows in Tagalog.  It sounds so cute when she says it, but she unfortunately loves the word and says it all the time- when she "utot" and when she is not.

what does it mean?  well, you can look it up.  it's not the most pleasant word, but it's just so funny when she says it.   The sound of the word is also its meaning.

anyway, just some Isabel trivia


Monday, December 12, 2011

pregnancy survival tips

Here are mine - although I don't plan to be preggie again.  Maybe it will help others.

  • eat small meals especially in 1st trimester. 
  • throw up if I feel nausea and then eat some more. It's okay.  nausea and throwing up just means my pregnancy is very healthy
  • tums and acid reducer
  • prenatal vitamins - just get over the counter or online - no need to overspend with OB prescription.  as long as it's mostly organic and has enough folic acid
  • unisom - 25mg - take half dose is enough - a life saver for helping me sleep in the last month - no side effects, perfectly safe and not addictive
  • tylenol for stretching pains
  • lots of water day and night to stay hydrated.  about 12 glasses a day of water and juice
  • Monistat 7 - safe to treat during preggie.  if you don't know what it is, don't ask
  • prunes  or fresh watermelon juice on an empty stomach does the trick
  • zero gravity cushion - Jaime got me these 6 years ago for xmas and I thought weird and bulky.  He got it for my back. OMG, I love it for this pregnancy.  perfect on our couch to take the pressure off my back
  • Dr. Pete - weekly neck adjustment - awesome for keeping me healthy and balanced
  • cardio at least once a week - help circulation and sleep.  was still working out last week.   probably not this last week as I don't want to deliver earlier than Thursday.
  • borrow preggie clothes from friends.
Well, enjoying my last few days before my little one comes.


3 days to go

wow, it's this week. I can't believe it.  Unlike last time, I am not anxious to give birth.  I still feel pretty good and  want to enjoy every moment of it.  I think I will miss my bump after Thursday, as I like feeling her move and turn inside of me during the day and at night.

I can't wait to meet her though.  What will she look like? All I can think of is Isabel and how she looked.  Wonder if they will look alike.  Hope she has daddy's big eyes and mommy's nice skin, but most of all that she is healthy, a good size, and with no major issues.

I am a little nervous about Thursday.  It's still surgery although I will be awake and it's suppose to take only an hour or so.  Well, wish me luck. I will keep you posted.


Saturday, December 10, 2011

It's Xmas

We set up our tree on Monday. Agnes and isabel did it together. They had fun. Santa has already started dropping off tons of presents. Isabel can't wait to open them.

A Moment in Time

It was Thursday evening Dec 8.  The moon was almost full, bright and smiling down at us.  The air was cool and crisp. We (Jaime, Agnes, Isabel, and I) were walking back from Fuzio after dinner.  It was only about 7:30.

As I walked across the 3rd floor bridge connecting Embarcadero I and the plaza leading to our apt, I paused to take a deep breath.  Everything just felt so peaceful.  I was content, happy for no apparent reason, but everything felt right, normal, and magical.   I felt my daughter moving inside me a little; I felt the bridge tremble from the passing traffic below; I see Isabel happily drinking orange juice from a small bottle and I see Agnes and Jaime walking a little ahead of me.

I don't know what it was, but I felt so in tuned with life and the world at that moment.  My senses could feel everything around me - gentle and flowing with me.  All I can do was smile to myself as I look at my family on a typical Thursday night.


Monday, December 5, 2011

Isabel's first carousel ride in september

When we went to Sloane's birthday in September, Isabel had her first solo Carousel ride.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Isabel's first time at the ocean

In September when the weather was in the mid-70s, we discovered a new gem near SF - a beach in Pacifica is gorgeous and convenient to get to - only about 30 min drive.  It was Isabel's first time by the ocean and she loved it. See these videos

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Ronin's 3rd Birthday Party and Photos

In October, we celebrate our neighbor's kid's 3rd Birthday.  The parents actually hired the band that plays at the Ferry Building.  The kids loved them and we all had fun.  here are a video and photos.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Isabel is getting better at swimming

Isabel takes 30 min swimming lessons once a week at the North Beach recreation center.  She loves to just play in the water.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Hotel Westin

A month ago, Agnes did a full steam cleaning of our carpets.  Since it takes 24 hours to dry, we decided to stay at the Westin for one night on 3rd street and market to make a trip out of it.  Isabel loves hotels for some reason.  Here is she enjoying the room

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Isabel's Dance Recital

Two weeks ago, Isabel had her dance recital.  She learned how to stretch, flip, dance, etc..  enjoy the videos.  She is very flexible.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy thanksgiving

While we can be thankful all year round, today is always a great reminder to be thankful for all that we have in our lives. Here is what I am thankful for (not in any order)

1. My mom and dad constant support and imminent visit
2. My little baby who is growing everyday and ready to meet me in 3 weeks
3. My isabel who has become such a talkative, curious, social, opinionated little girl.
4. My hubby who is working extra hard and staying supportive to me - my partner in crime in this adventurous life.
5. Agnes, who we can not live without. Our life is forever changed for the better becoz of her.
6. Our health and ability to enjoy life despite a crappy market and unexpected turns in life.
7. Old friends and new friends who enrich our life
8. Dr pete who keeps our whole family healthy and introduce us to his famous patients - Paul walker, Sean Parker, Shawn fanning, Russell Simmons, etc
9. Jaime and my ability to build toward our dream future - freedom to work anywhere and on our own time.
10. Leaning new skills in online marketing - Seo, paid search etc.
11. Mothers groups I am part of and playmates for isabel
12. My Ob who goes above and beyond and keep life simple for me.
13. My own ability to learn and grow everyday
14. My In laws who lives a bit closer and easier to visit.
15. My sister in law who teaches me what it's like to have the support of a sibling.

I hope this thanksgiving find you loving life. Best wishes to all


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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Isabel's first Karate Test

We are so proud of Isabel.  She got her first Karate stripe.   Both Jaime and I were at her test two weeks ago on Wed afternoon at 3pm.   She had great form and a loud voice.  so cute!!!   Here are the videos of her test and then the promotion ceremony

35 weeks - am I ready?

I have 4 weeks to go before my scheduled C section.  Wow, how time flies?  Am I ready? well, yes and no.

No because of the following

  • in the mist of trying to find Isabel another preschool as Nihao kids abruptly announced they are closing as of Jan 2012 and switching to Spanish.  ugh.   a long story. I will blog about it more another time
  • since I probably won't have more babies, I want to enjoy these last 4 weeks with my miraculous big belly.  Still amazes me how big the stomach can stretch
  • so much easier carrying her around in my belly.  She is happy, warm, fed without me doing anything.  Everything will change when she comes out
  • Do I have enough love for two?  as an only child, it's hard to imagine having two kids.  I love Isabel so much and I am sure I will love this baby just as much but there is still only 24 hours in a day.  How to balance the two.... we will have to see.  At least Isabel is excited and wants to share her toys with her little sister.
  • Still seems unreal that I will give birth soon.
  • Not looking forward to my C section - a little nervous about it - although it's planned
  • not looking forward to sleepless nights
Yes because
  • I can't wait to see what she looks like - how similar or different from Isabel?
  • I can't wait to see my mom and dad come and play with the new baby and speak mandarin with Isabel?
  • I can't wait to see Isabel interact with the new baby.  She will be fascinated I think
  • I would like my body back.  It's managable right now, but at 156 pounds, definitely don't feel like myself as much.  although I think I will miss the big belly in some ways especially the movement I feel now every hour
  • I can't wait to breastfeed - will be painful at first but hope it will be smooth after that.  The content look and wonderful smell of a baby during breastfeeding is intoxicating
Well, wish me luck.  At least I can still work out once a week on the elliptical machines.  


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I am 33 weeks and Isabel is 3.5 year old Today!

Wow, time flies.  Isabel is at such a cute age.  She loves to talk, sing in English and Chinese and such a good girl.  She lets mommy and daddy work when we need to and is so social and affectionate.  I am a very lucky mama.

I am feeling quite big now.  I gained 5 pounds in about 2 weeks.  yikes.  Hope that will slow down a bit.  All is good otherwise.  6 weeks and 1 day to go until my planed C section.

Here is what baby center says about my progress in pregnancy.

This week your baby weighs a little over 4 pounds (heft a pineapple) and has passed the 17-inch mark. He's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and his skeleton is hardening. The bones in his skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for him to fit through the birth canal. (The pressure on the head during birth is so intense that many babies are born with a conehead-like appearance.) These bones don't entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as his brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood.
See what your baby looks like this week.
How your life's changing:
As your baby fills out even more of your belly, lots of things might start to change: Whereas before you were sashaying, you may find yourself waddling. Finding an easy position to sit in — let alone sleep — is becoming more of a challenge. And bumping into chairs and counters is par for the course.
You may be feeling some achiness and even numbness in your fingers, wrists, and hands. Like many other tissues in your body, those in your wrist can retain fluid, which can increase pressure in the carpal tunnel, a bony canal in your wrist. Nerves that run through this "tunnel" may end up pinched, creating numbness; tingling, shooting or burning pain; or a dull ache. Try wearing a splint to stabilize your wrist or propping your arm up with a pillow when you sleep. If your work requires repetitive hand movements (at a keyboard or on an assembly line, for instance), remember to stretch your hands when you take breaks — which should be frequently.
Many women are still feeling sexy at this stage — and their partners often agree. You may need to make some adjustments, but for most women, sex during pregnancy is fine right up until their water breaks or their labor starts.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Isabel - Beginning of a Martial Art Career

Isabel has been taking the Karate Kicker class since August. She loves it. We just got her an uniform and here she is making her moves on Daddy. Enjoy

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I am 30 weeks Today!

Wow, 9 more weeks and 1 day to go before my scheduled C. Will she come early? Am I ready? Well, my body is ready to not be so heavy. I have gained around 27 pound so far - on track but it feels heavier than that this week. A little trouble sleeping and some back pain. Thank goodness for my cardio, yoga, and weekly adjustment from Dr. Pete, I still feel pretty good :-)

According to Baby Center, the baby is about 3 pounds already and 15-16 inches long - a skinny little one right now. She is pretty active and does a lot of kicking and punching. I started playing games with her as I can find a little bump as I rub my stomach. I think it's her knee or foot and I would push on it and she would push back. It's fun :-)

Isabel is starting to ask me when she will come out. I told her Xmas. She is really excited and when I asked her if it's okay to share her toys. She said yes without hesitation. I think she will be a great big sister. She will also run to me at time and kiss my tummy to say hi to her. It's so nice that I feel like they are bonding already.

As I know my baby in my tummy can hear voices now, I feel like I am reading to both of them when I play with Isabel. At night, when I tell her stories in the dark as she falls asleep, I know my other daughter is listening as well. What an experience to grow a baby. I can't wait to meet her in December.

- Lei

Monday, September 26, 2011

Our road trip to monterey this past weekend

We had a three day two night trip to SJ and Monterey.  Isabel had a great time.  here was the highlights
  • Happy Hollow in SJ - Isabel love feeding the goats and trying all the kiddie rides including a rollercoaster, train ride, carousel, frog hopper, car merry go around etc...  + a huge slide structure.  It was almost 90 degrees so mama sat in air-conditioned cafe for awhile.  
  • Dinner at White Shallot with old friends - Joel and Pia and their two boys - Vietnamese French food near Santana row with none of the craziness or arrogant service.  A really good meal
  • Monterey Bay Aquarium - Isabel was fascinated with the big fish, sharks, and baby otters.  We got passes from friends so got in for free - yeepy.
  • Stayed at Embassy Suites near Monterey - nice hotel, large room, lots to do in the hotel
  • SandBar and Grill - one of the best dinner we had in awhile.  a great surprise - see pics of food below  - it's a room built on top of the water by the pier. I would give it a 5 star on yelp if I did reviews
  • Dennis the menace playground - see video - huge playground - free - Isabel had so much fun with slides, swings, etc...

Happy Hollow feeding the goats

Brushing the goats

Dennis the Menace playground in Monterey


Friday, September 16, 2011

Isabel's Munchkin Run - July 30, 2011

Isabel did the Munchkin run on July 30th with two of her friends - Ayza and Ellie. They only ran the 100 yard which was super short. I think they could have easily ran the 0.5 mile or even 1 mile. next time.

Thank you to all the sponsors: grandparents Lapena; grandparents Han; ninong Em; Ajantha, and Judy.

I am 26 weeks

went to my OB yesterday. officially gained 21 pounds and baby is kicking every day. I took my dreaded Glucose test - the one where you drank 1 big bottle of sweet drink and then take a blood test an hour later to screen for gestational diabetes.

When I was preggie with Isabel, I took this test and failed and had to take the 3 hours test - really yucky - a sweet drink every hour and blood test every hour and fasting the night before. I passed it but wasn't pleasant.

This time I just wanted to pass the first test. Well, just got the result. I PASSED!!! YEEEEPY. very happy.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Isabel learns months of the year

Isabel speaks and learns so fast now. Here she is singing the months of the year song with and without book. She is also 39.5 inches tall - grew an whole inch in one month.

- Lei

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Isabel can read letters

She can read most letters but gets tripped up by lower case vs upper case and have some trouble with b vs p vs d vs q.


Friday, September 2, 2011

Pop in Playtime at Pump it UP

This is an indoor play area with all inflatable structures. It was more fun than we expected for everyone - not just Isabel.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

New Classes for Isabel

After a great run at myGym, we decided to change it up a bit so Isabel can experience different things.  So starting September, she is signed up for three classes.  here is her schedule for a week

  • Monday - morning Library story time (free); afternoon - free time for playdates
  • Tuesday - school and then playdates with Ayza if she is available
  • Wed - morning free time; afternoon Karate Kicker class 3-4pm
  • Thursday - school and then playdates if we can arrange it with anyone
  • Friday - morning free time; afternoon Busy Bees dance class 3:30-4:30pm
  • Sat - morning farmers market; then Swim Class at 10:50am for 30 min 
  • Sunday - free time 
Hope she likes them.  


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Planned C on Dec 15th

I saw my OB on friday and everything is on track
  • gained 16 pounds so far
  • baby is kicking often
  • baby heart beat is strong at 140 per minute
She advised me to plan my C section early to get the time I want. C section are allow up to 1 week before due date. I am due Dec 21, so the C is scheduled for Dec 15 at 10am. I need to fast the night before and get there by 8am that day. I figure it's an easy date to remember. I actually wanted Dec 18 as 8 is good luck and it's my brother in law Roy's birthday but it's on a Sunday and my OB doesn't work that day, so Dec 15 it is.

I will plan to celebrate her bday the weekend after Thanksgiving every year so she doesn't miss out on separate xmas presents. all is good and I can't wait to meet my little girl in December.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Isabel's date with Ronen

Ronen and family came over for dinner on Sunday night. We had lots of fun as they appreciate food and especially loved the shaved ice we had for dessert + my specialty Saketinis (infused with lychee, coconut or mangosteen).

We had great conversations. Rain took these photos on their Ipad for Ronen and Isabel. The Ipad 2 seem very cool and we are almost convinced to get one when Ipad 3 comes out. Isabel loved playing with their Ipad - the educational feature + access to HBO go makes it a portable TV which really excited Jaime. Well we will see. More gadgets....

No woman is an island

I am learning that even more of this concept during pregnancy. The hormone side effects are making me obsess even more about things. I have daymares at time (imagine worst case scenarios while awake) and nightmares. Don't worry, it's under control and normal during pregnancy - just sucks when they happen.

Well, that's where my girlfriends come in. I am blessed with wise good friends who answer my calls early in the morning and late at night. And they know just what to say to me so that I see the absurdness of my own thoughts.

I was just obsessing too much this weekend and my girlfriends gave me the best advice
- don't replay what happened over and over and look into why and whose fault it is. any sadness, anger or fear is not productive
- focus should be shit happens and accept them as they are today. They are okay and I am okay. No need to change anything over night. You can't so don't try to do the impossible. Just be okay with bumps
- just try to stay calm and find my happy place. Start a Gratitude journal and share it
- figure out practical action to resolve anything in conflict over time.
- focus on the now and future. Even if things takes awhile to resolve, that's okay it's life and it's good news that I uncovered something that can be improved.
- people (espeically men) need positive feedback more than negative ones if you want to see change.

It was so what I needed to hear to realize my energy was wasted on things that doesn't help and keeping me from being calm or rested. A wave of calm is filling me now making me communicate gently and with compassion for myself and others. I woke up smiling today and so thankful for the incredible friends that I have in my life.


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

playdate with Alex in Foster City

This is also from July. Alex used to live by us but moved to Foster City in 2010. We were visiting him and his new sister Erica. Alex is 6 months younger than Isabel

Monday, August 22, 2011

Date with Gavin - July 2011

Gavin and Isabel love to play together. They were born only 10 days apart and Gavin is such a big boy now - so sweet and protective of Isabel. We had a playdate at the Zeum in July

Regular Friday Playdate

I am so glad I started this playground 2 years ago when Isabel was only 1 years old. Now, she has regular friends to play with nearby. We usually have Friday afternoon gathering 2 or 3 times a months. Here are some photos from one of them. Her friends are Ronan, Darwin, Ronen, Ayza, Ellie, Sophia, Newton, Jack, Emily, Thomas...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Isabel recites Chinese Poem

Isabel was supposed to perform this today at the Chinese cultural celebration in her school but given she is still recovering from her stomach bug, she had to stay home today. So I recorded her private performance. She has only been to this school for 8 weeks but her Chinese has improved greatly. enjoy!


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A gadget family

For our birthdays this July, we all got gadgets
  • Lei - Amazon Kindle
  • Agnes - Netbook
  • Jaime - Iphone4
We all love our new gadget and they add to our other collection - Wii, Wii Fit, XBox 360, XBox Kinect, PS2, PSP, Ipod, Ipod Touch, laptop, desktop.

I guess I am my father's daughter.  He loves buying gadgets.  I guess I do too.  I have my eye on Iphone 5 - hopefully releasing in September - not sure its release will be the same time for Verizon though - hoping so.  The IOs5 looks pretty cool.  I just wish apple would make a smaller iPhone that fits better in my pocket.  


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Isabel dip walk on balance beam

Isabel is trying the Mighty Mites class (3.25 years to 4.5 years old) at mygym for the first time. Parents stay out of the gym and she is just here with the other kids. she loved it.

talented toes of Isabel

Maui Remembered

We have mixed feeling about Maui. It is a beautiful place but not sure when we will rush back for another visit.  Here is why.


  • Stayed in beautiful 1-bedroom condo in Wailea
  • The Marriott pool at Wailea - they have 5 pools (one with slides and one by the ocean) - We spent a day by the pool since our friends stayed there.
  • Lahaina (30 min drive from us) love the front st shops and views.  They had a fresh gelato shop making passion fruit gelato fresh from the fruit and a porch in the back right on the water.  Had a later lunch at Kimu right on the ocean - beautiful view.  We also bought great souvenirs for Agnes and Isabel and Jaime got the world's most comfortable black leather shoes from Crocs of all places.  If we ever go back to Maui, we would stay in Kaanapali (maybe the Westin) - 5 min north of Lahaina.  They also have a Whalers Village that suppose to have nice shops on the ocean.
  • Sunset on Ulua beach - only 5 minutes from our condo.  We easily drove there and got on the beach.  It also is a great snorkeling spot for beginners although we didn't get to try it.
  • Kihei Caffe - good breakfast and lunch place in Kihei
  • Matteo in Wailea - the only decent restaurant at Wailea
  • Wedding for Don and Christina was beautiful - Reason we went to Maui. 
Low lights
  • Much more rural and underdeveloped than I thought.  
  • Wailea is sterile and way over priced.  Food sucks and the services quality is even worse.  We went to two restaurants in two nights that sucked.
  • Kai - Japanese restaurant - Udon for $20 - really small bowl nothing special.  We had 15 people and two people order Udon.  One got it and the other didn't even after an hour.  The waiter was an idiot - after we asked for the Udon 2 more times, he came to explain about lack of burners and asked if we still want it.  duh... we said yes and ask him to comp it.  he was confused and brought out his manager.  We asked him to comp it and he looked confused too.  That Udon probably cost $2 to make.   Well, they did comp it but the waiter told us it will come out of his tip (so tacky!) .  
  • Monkey Pod with 17 people the next night.  The Fresh Gnocchi was super spicy and it didn't say that on the menu.  One of the kids at the table and a grandma at our table ordered it.  Both couldn't eat it.  Had to return it and wait forever for replacement food.  Also they claim to have Asian noodle dishes - horrible.  We also ordered a mushroom pizza that barely had any mushroom in it.  Again, expensive and not worth it.  Avoid
  • Jaime came home with a stomach bug - two days of discomfort.  Now Isabel has a stomach bug possibly from Jaime or from school.  Doctor say it's diarrhea season - who knew?
Anyway for $600+ per person per flight, Maui is expensive to get to, expensive to stay, and food sucks in Wailea.  We won't be back anytime soon.  We much more prefer Miami, Mexico, Puerto Rico, even Oahu.  We are happy to be back in SF!


Friday, July 29, 2011

Pics from neighborhood playdate

Isabel has so much fun with the neighborhood playdate we have on Friday afternoon.  They have known each other for the last 2 years.  So great to have other kids to play with for Isabel.


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Delicious Chinese Wedding Banquet

On Sunday, Jaime and I went to one of his Jiujitsu friends' wedding reception at a Chinese restaurant in San Mateo.  We were just expecting a typical banquet - 8 to 10 dishes per table to share.

Well, we were in for a real treat.  It was a seafood restaurant at 88 E 4th Ave in San Mateo (forgot the name) and the owner happen to be the uncle of the bride, so he sponsored the dinner and brought out the BEST food.

I am pretty picky about Chinese food and this is the BEST Chinese Wedding banquet I have ever been to.  Here are the 10 courses we had - each was individual served to each one of us at the table.

  1. Roast Pig and Seaweed salad
  2. Shrimp and Scallop with Mango wrapped with a light crispy wrapping lightly fried.
  3. Crab claw shrimp ball
  4. Shark fin chicken soup served in a Coconut - the shark fin was top notch. Jaime doesn't like soup and he ate the whole thing
  5. Fresh Abalone with mushroom.  The texture of the mushroom match that of the abalone and the sauce was light and yummy
  6. Half of Lobster sauteed with garlic sauce
  7. Roast chicken - Chicken with Lobster symbolized the balance of yin and yang
  8. Seared sea bass - individually served and was perfectly cooked
  9. Crab fried rice - no soy sauce, great flavor, light
  10. Various Chinese dessert (seasame ball with salty egg yolk inside - yum, rice bean pastry, lotus paste soup for fertility and cup cakes)
We were stuffed and super happy.    The wedding was also very tastely and festively done with tons of games, activities, and dancing.  What a party!  Best wishes to Bill and Wendy!


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Isabel's new running stroller

Jaime got this from his friend since their kids are all grown.  Isabel loves it.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Friday, July 15, 2011

Battle of the Sexes

When I was 12 weeks pregnant and before I found out the gender of my 2nd baby, I took a friend to her acupuncturist.  While waiting, I decided to ask the old Chinese acupuncturist lady about the sex of my baby and see if she can guess.  I was bored and my friend said she had a chart that can predict the gender pretty accurately.

I was horrified at the first thing she said.  She said "Whether the baby is a girl or a boy, you should keep it.  It's already 12 weeks."  At first I didn't understand what she meant, but quickly realize that she misunderstood and thought I want to know the gender to decide whether to keep the baby - NEVER crossed my mind.  But apparently lots of Chinese people especially in China would consider abortion if they found out they are having a girl.  Yuck!

She went on to try to guess the gender and I immediately thought of her as an "old wife" or one of those pretend "psychics"  She was all over the place trying to cover her basis - "if I feel different this pregnancy than the last, than it's not the same gender as the last one.   Many hours of my clinical experience proves that."  I told her I feel quite different this time, so I guess it's a boy.  Then I said I hate sweets this time which I didn't last time.  She then hedged and said well "it's definitely a girl then.  Girls make the mother hate sweets and boy make the mother love sweets."  This made no sense to me since I just told her I have a daughter and during that pregnancy I loved sweets.  I stop the conversation short then.  It was amusing to pass the time I guess.

Well I am 17 weeks pregnant now and knows the gender.  Jaime is right.  He is destined to be surrounded by beautiful women.  We are having a girl!  Isabel and we are so Happy!

- Lei

Was that a kick?

At 14.5 weeks, I started feeling these little motion in my tummy - hard to describe - they feel like my stomach burped or she is actually kicking me.  Hard to believe as she was only size of an apple then.

I will find out from the OB today if that's possible.  Lately, I feel more flutter once in awhile - similarly to those when I was preggie with Isabel.  I am so looking forward to feeling her move more.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Happy Birthday Daddy! I love you!


Saturday, July 9, 2011

Going to farmers market with daddy

Isabel is in her new tutu dress and a pink sf giants hat from daddy. It's great how cute multi-colors can look so cute on a kid.


-- Sent from my Palm Pre

From: Jaime Lapena <>
Date: Jul 9, 2011 10:57 AM
Subject: Daddy photo with Isabel

Friday, July 8, 2011

Isabel's photos from school

A bonus - Nihao kids, Isabel's preschool, takes photos of the kids in school every week and posted them online.   check it out.  Isabel is quite a few of them.

Here is the general link you can check anytime,

Here is the some specific links for the first few weeks of school

enjoy!  School is still a transition for Isabel.  She has changed from getting up early and not even saying goodbye to us at school to crying every time we drop her off, although she is fine after we leave.  I think once she makes more friends at school, she will be more used to going.  crossing our fingers.  In the meantime, her mandarin has improved leaps and bounds.  she is speaking full sentences to me in mandarin.  so awesome!


Friday, July 1, 2011

Daddy's little girl

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Monday, June 27, 2011

First Trimester - summarize - what a journey

June 22, 2011 - 14 weeks pregnant (size of a lemon)

4-6 weeks - elation
  • surprised by the + sign.  I was certain I was NOT preggie and even booked a trip to miami.  this was a good reason to cancel
  • not feeling any effect of the pregnancy Yeepy - hoping this time I will be less sick 
  • told both of our parents on Easter (skyped my parents and gave Jaime's parents an Easter Egg with a baby message).  They were so happy
6-10 weeks - Yuck
  • nausea, vomiting, more nausea and so TIRED.  sleeping 9 hours a day and naps 1-2 hours
  • all food taste horrible. yuck.  sweets, even fruit left a bad taste.
  • clothes are tight already so wearing sweat pants or pregnancy stuff 
  • TV was my friend so I can watch something and eat at the same time (my own MATRIX)
  • first OB appt gave me some hope
  • developed a routine to eat 6 meals a day and get Jaime to help with decisions about food.  better to eat and then puke than not eat at all.
  • only saving grace was boobs.  I immediately grew in size.  Jaime was happy 
10-12 weeks - anticipation
  • started enjoying fruits again - a blessing
  • CVS appt - a little painful and very tiring
  • more nausea less vomiting.
12-14 weeks - final wait
  • stressing about results
  • nausea doesn't seem to stop, but then starting to by close to week 14.  crossing my finger
  • normal CVS result - thank you!
  • More boobs - I think I am getting bigger than last time.  I feel for those people who have large boobs all the time.  killer on the back
  • finally can tell people.  hard to hide this enormous bump I got going.
I am happy and just waiting for nausea to go away. 

- Lei

CVS results

June 20, 2011 - 13 weeks and 5 days

The genetic counselor, Amy, didn't call until 1:15pm but good thing when she called she started with "I have great news for you."   Ahhh, what a relief.  It has all 46 chromosomes.

Now I can tell people I am preggy.  Yeah.  Keep it hidden has been lonely and hard.   Now I can focus on the future - a Dec baby.  What a gift!  Also looking forward to the near future - end of first trimester and hopefully end of nausea.  I can't wait to get my taste buds back and enjoy food again.  It's been a long journey.

- Lei

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Food I hate

I seem to have a stronger aversion with this pregnancy than last time. It's 14.5 weeks.  I still feel nausea in the afternoon and evening.  Overall, here are the food I hate

  • Anything tomato based - sphagetti, pizza with tomato sauce.  funny thing is I can eat tomatoes but the smell of tomato sauce makes me think of puke basically.  Not great when I attend parties that only serve pizza.  Luckily there was vegetarian pizza that had no tomato sauce in it.    It was actually delicious as long as I do not focus on the nearly pepperoni pizza with tomato sauce. I think it's the acidic nature of it.
  • Smell of curry - yuck.  I can actually eat chicken tika masala for some reason, but can't eat most curries. 
  • Cherries - yuck tried a few times but tasted awful when I puked it out
  • desserts - luckily for me, all sweets are off limits still - hoping this will change as my birthday is in 8 days.  Only thing I can eat is some fruits at certain time of the day. No muffins, no cheesecakes, no pastries.  only thing I can do are almond pastries
hoping this will end soon.  crossing my fingers.  



June 19, 2011  Father's day - 13 weeks and 4 days

I try not to talk about it but all weekend I was stressing about the results.  I had slight fevers after the CVS.  Only 99.0 degrees but it worried me.  I was also so tired.  Well I get the results June 20.

I am waking up at 3 or 4am every night now to eat or just stretch.  I think I am just tense when I am sleeping and it's so tiring. ONE MORE DAY.... Let it be okay

- Lei

My 2nd OB visit

June 17 2011 - 12 weeks and 2 days -> 13 weeks and 2 days (I will explain)

The OB appt was so smooth.

  • found parking right away
  • didn't have to wait
  • OB told me my ultrasound from the CVS says I am one week ahead, so due date moves to Dec 21, 2011 and C section would be on Dec 15, 2011.  One less week of first trimester is great news
  • She found heart beat at 160+ a min.  a relief.  After the CVS, I was so nervous that everything is okay with baby, but she said it sounds super strong.
  • I am getting big quick - great! not really but she says this is common for second pregnancy.  at least my weight gain is normal
  • 130 1bs
I was so happy when I drove home that I started to play music loudly like a teenager in the car.  But I wanted to contain my happiness as my CVS results are not in yet.  I switched from smiling to all of a sudden crying.  I realized how nervous I was about the results.  I mean it's only 1% chance anything is wrong, but I am so attached to my baby already.  It's size of a lime already.

I guess it's hormones but I actually started praying to the universe, energy, god, mother earth, fate, whatever, to make sure my baby is okay.    Crying also help me relieve some pressure from the stress of waiting for news I guess.  crossing my finger that I get good results

- Lei

Saturday, June 25, 2011

had a scare

June 16, 2011 - 12 weeks 1 day

I took a friend to her doctor appt in Oakland.  Waited two hours and then took her back.  On the way back driving on the bridge, I felt "a kick" in my stomach.  no way - it's too early.  Or was that a contraction.  It happened 3 times one min apart.  I started crying after the 3rd one out of fear.  they were NOT painful but I know the baby is too small to make me feel a kick.

I called the nurse immediately and laid down when I got home.  She asked me how much water I drank since it was super hot that day.  I realized less than 8 oz in 5 hours.  She said you are okay but dehydrated.   Just make sure you drink 80 oz of water every day.  I drank about 24 oz of water right after the call.   I didn't realize I was really thirsty.  Lessons learned.  at least the baby is okay.  a relief.

- Lei

Just when I think

June 15, 2011 12 weeks (size of a lime)

Just when I think I am getting over the hump, my pregnancy reminds me that nothing is predictable.  I was doing so well - 10 days without puking is a record for me.  Nausea everyday still but puking has not been as easy this pregnancy as the last one.  Sometimes it really hurts.

Well, I was starting to celebrate that perhaps I am over the hump of my first trimester, but wait it's not over.  I started puking again quite violently Sunday and Monday of this week.  Once on Sunday and twice on Monday.  The only thing I could think of is I didn't eat eggs those days. I was trying to change it up as I eat 2 or 3 eggs in the mornings.  Well, I started eating eggs again yesterday and no puking.  Probably unrelated but I am just holding on to any hope right now.

I also have been sleeping pretty well up to last night.  8 or 9 hours at night and 1-2 hour naps.  I have been super tired.  Well, that's been affected in the last two nights.  It's 5:11am and I woke up from stress dreams - vague ones.  I must just be stressed about
  • the CVS results (I get them early next week) - crossing my fingers and toes for my little "lime."
  • whether I will be able to work before next June, 2012.  I didn't really think through the fact it may be hard to get hired for only a few months if you are pregnant - oops.  
This forces me to work on the business which is good but it's unnerving to think I am going to see my bank account go down for another year. ugh.  I truly respect entrepreneurs who can risk it all for their business.  It takes a strong stomach and risk tolerance.  I am almost doing it now by default.  It's probably good for me as I love what I am doing with the business and would only going back to work for the money.    If I am forced to do the business, it may be a blessing in disguise.


CVS procedure - necessary and a little traumatic

Due to the detail nature of this post, read at your own risk!

June 10, 2011 - 11 weeks and 2 days

I went in for my CVS procedure since I am almost 39 and we want to make sure the baby is perfectly healthy.  I have been pretty nervous about this procedure even though most women over 35 now take it.  I have never done it and hear all about the long needle etc...  I think I dreamed about it all night the night before although I am glad I didn't know all the details before I did the procedure (stop reading now if you think you will have a CVS in the future).  I would have been more nervous.

First the statistics
  • nationally 1 in 400 of CVS end in miscarriage due to infections from the procedure (I was worried that they would puncture the baby or sth but it's not true).  Luckily this clinic's risk rate is only 1 in 1000
  • At my age, there is an avg of 1 in 82 chance the baby has a serious genetic disorder - wow - this is why we want to do the CVS to make sure.  
  • there is a 10-20% chance the placenta is not in the right place for the procedure.  They have to go through the stomach or vaginally to get a sample from the placenta.   If the placenta cannot be accessed then, they have to make another appt later or do the Amnio.  One of my friends went 3 times and then had to do Amnio.  Now I really understand how anxious and frustrated she must have felt.  You won't know until you experience it
  • 1% chance the CVS test will come back inconclusive.  After all that, 1% chance you may still have to do the Amnio to make sure.  Happened to another friend of mine.  Amnio has to be done at 16 weeks or later so those 4 weeks in between must have been hell for her.  Her baby turned out perfect though and is now 4 years old
Now my CVS procedure
The good
  • We spent 50 min with genetic counselor who was great and very calming to answer all our questions
  • the nurse spend 15 min doing ultrasound and gave us all kinds of photos of the baby.  It has all the parts.  We saw it moving and has both arms and legs.  It's 5.6 cm long from head to rump now.  They said it's a little bigger than 11 weeks 2 days and my OB can readjust the due date when I see her next Friday.  Current due date is Dec 28, 2011
  • nurses and doctor were all very calming and quick at what they did
  • my placenta can be accessed through the lower stomach so they will do a transabdominal procedure.  I was the most worried about that one but c'est la vie
The not so good
  • they gave me local anesthetic.  The needle was at least 1.5 inches long and they said it was like a bee sting.  I would say it's like a long bee sting with a cramp at the end, but ok
  • Then they launched right into the procedure.  good thing is they blocked my view with the ultrasound handle on my tummy so I couldn't see the real needle but I know it's long because I can see it on the screen.
  • The worst part was probably more startling than just painful.  I felt pressure and pinch when the needle went all the way into my placenta but no one told me they have to basically jab the needle in different places in the placenta to get a good sample.  So I watch in shock for a few seconds while the doctors push and pull the needle around.  OUCH! but more it was shock as I thought maybe something is wrong although he looked calm.  It was maybe 30-60 seconds but seemed forever
  • When he pulled the needle out, he said let me make sure we have a good sample otherwise I have to go in and get more.  I was praying by then and luckily he said it looked great and I was done
I was still in shock by the pulling and pushing motion I saw on the screen and the cramping pain during it, but at least Jaime was there and told me to squeeze his hand the whole way.  I almost told him it was optional for him to go. so glad he said he would go.  It would have been much worse without him.  

I walked slowly to the bathroom after that and realize the anesthetics was wearing off.  I was feeling pain. I was told to go home and sleep for 2 hours and stay home lying down all day.  If no infection by the weekend, then I am out of the risk zone.  It's sunday morining now and I feel almost normal again, just tired a bit more but I am hoping for good results and no fever or anything from now on.  I will take it easy. I get the results on June 20.   I hold the image of my little baby in my head and I tell it that all will be okay.  I can't believe I am growing a baby inside again.  The second time is just as miraculous.
