Saturday, June 25, 2011

CVS procedure - necessary and a little traumatic

Due to the detail nature of this post, read at your own risk!

June 10, 2011 - 11 weeks and 2 days

I went in for my CVS procedure since I am almost 39 and we want to make sure the baby is perfectly healthy.  I have been pretty nervous about this procedure even though most women over 35 now take it.  I have never done it and hear all about the long needle etc...  I think I dreamed about it all night the night before although I am glad I didn't know all the details before I did the procedure (stop reading now if you think you will have a CVS in the future).  I would have been more nervous.

First the statistics
  • nationally 1 in 400 of CVS end in miscarriage due to infections from the procedure (I was worried that they would puncture the baby or sth but it's not true).  Luckily this clinic's risk rate is only 1 in 1000
  • At my age, there is an avg of 1 in 82 chance the baby has a serious genetic disorder - wow - this is why we want to do the CVS to make sure.  
  • there is a 10-20% chance the placenta is not in the right place for the procedure.  They have to go through the stomach or vaginally to get a sample from the placenta.   If the placenta cannot be accessed then, they have to make another appt later or do the Amnio.  One of my friends went 3 times and then had to do Amnio.  Now I really understand how anxious and frustrated she must have felt.  You won't know until you experience it
  • 1% chance the CVS test will come back inconclusive.  After all that, 1% chance you may still have to do the Amnio to make sure.  Happened to another friend of mine.  Amnio has to be done at 16 weeks or later so those 4 weeks in between must have been hell for her.  Her baby turned out perfect though and is now 4 years old
Now my CVS procedure
The good
  • We spent 50 min with genetic counselor who was great and very calming to answer all our questions
  • the nurse spend 15 min doing ultrasound and gave us all kinds of photos of the baby.  It has all the parts.  We saw it moving and has both arms and legs.  It's 5.6 cm long from head to rump now.  They said it's a little bigger than 11 weeks 2 days and my OB can readjust the due date when I see her next Friday.  Current due date is Dec 28, 2011
  • nurses and doctor were all very calming and quick at what they did
  • my placenta can be accessed through the lower stomach so they will do a transabdominal procedure.  I was the most worried about that one but c'est la vie
The not so good
  • they gave me local anesthetic.  The needle was at least 1.5 inches long and they said it was like a bee sting.  I would say it's like a long bee sting with a cramp at the end, but ok
  • Then they launched right into the procedure.  good thing is they blocked my view with the ultrasound handle on my tummy so I couldn't see the real needle but I know it's long because I can see it on the screen.
  • The worst part was probably more startling than just painful.  I felt pressure and pinch when the needle went all the way into my placenta but no one told me they have to basically jab the needle in different places in the placenta to get a good sample.  So I watch in shock for a few seconds while the doctors push and pull the needle around.  OUCH! but more it was shock as I thought maybe something is wrong although he looked calm.  It was maybe 30-60 seconds but seemed forever
  • When he pulled the needle out, he said let me make sure we have a good sample otherwise I have to go in and get more.  I was praying by then and luckily he said it looked great and I was done
I was still in shock by the pulling and pushing motion I saw on the screen and the cramping pain during it, but at least Jaime was there and told me to squeeze his hand the whole way.  I almost told him it was optional for him to go. so glad he said he would go.  It would have been much worse without him.  

I walked slowly to the bathroom after that and realize the anesthetics was wearing off.  I was feeling pain. I was told to go home and sleep for 2 hours and stay home lying down all day.  If no infection by the weekend, then I am out of the risk zone.  It's sunday morining now and I feel almost normal again, just tired a bit more but I am hoping for good results and no fever or anything from now on.  I will take it easy. I get the results on June 20.   I hold the image of my little baby in my head and I tell it that all will be okay.  I can't believe I am growing a baby inside again.  The second time is just as miraculous.


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