Thursday, December 15, 2011

Alexis Ling (玲) Lapena

We just received the best Xmas gift ever.   On Thursday Dec 15th at 1038am, our second daughter was born by C section at the CPMC Hospital in San Francisco.  Everything went very smoothly.

Introducing our new daughter - Alexis Ling (玲) Lapena born on Dec 15, 2011.  Alexis means "defender" and 玲 means a "tinkling of jade" and it means "clever, intelligent" in Chinese.  We picked this name probably in August already and just couldn't think of any better names after that.  The weird thing is the name Alexis is only one letter different from the name Isabel.  I guess they are just meant to be sisters.  Alexis is born year of the rabbit.  Read here for more personalities of people born this year. 

Alexis was born 8 lb 5oz and 20inches long.   Both mommy and Alexis are healthy and doing fine - enjoying our first moments together :-)


p.s: No gifts pls as we are overflowing with clothes and toys. We gladly accept hand me downs and if you insist, gift cards to Target or Amazon.  thanks.

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