Thursday, November 17, 2011

35 weeks - am I ready?

I have 4 weeks to go before my scheduled C section.  Wow, how time flies?  Am I ready? well, yes and no.

No because of the following

  • in the mist of trying to find Isabel another preschool as Nihao kids abruptly announced they are closing as of Jan 2012 and switching to Spanish.  ugh.   a long story. I will blog about it more another time
  • since I probably won't have more babies, I want to enjoy these last 4 weeks with my miraculous big belly.  Still amazes me how big the stomach can stretch
  • so much easier carrying her around in my belly.  She is happy, warm, fed without me doing anything.  Everything will change when she comes out
  • Do I have enough love for two?  as an only child, it's hard to imagine having two kids.  I love Isabel so much and I am sure I will love this baby just as much but there is still only 24 hours in a day.  How to balance the two.... we will have to see.  At least Isabel is excited and wants to share her toys with her little sister.
  • Still seems unreal that I will give birth soon.
  • Not looking forward to my C section - a little nervous about it - although it's planned
  • not looking forward to sleepless nights
Yes because
  • I can't wait to see what she looks like - how similar or different from Isabel?
  • I can't wait to see my mom and dad come and play with the new baby and speak mandarin with Isabel?
  • I can't wait to see Isabel interact with the new baby.  She will be fascinated I think
  • I would like my body back.  It's managable right now, but at 156 pounds, definitely don't feel like myself as much.  although I think I will miss the big belly in some ways especially the movement I feel now every hour
  • I can't wait to breastfeed - will be painful at first but hope it will be smooth after that.  The content look and wonderful smell of a baby during breastfeeding is intoxicating
Well, wish me luck.  At least I can still work out once a week on the elliptical machines.  


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