Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I am 30 weeks Today!

Wow, 9 more weeks and 1 day to go before my scheduled C. Will she come early? Am I ready? Well, my body is ready to not be so heavy. I have gained around 27 pound so far - on track but it feels heavier than that this week. A little trouble sleeping and some back pain. Thank goodness for my cardio, yoga, and weekly adjustment from Dr. Pete, I still feel pretty good :-)

According to Baby Center, the baby is about 3 pounds already and 15-16 inches long - a skinny little one right now. She is pretty active and does a lot of kicking and punching. I started playing games with her as I can find a little bump as I rub my stomach. I think it's her knee or foot and I would push on it and she would push back. It's fun :-)

Isabel is starting to ask me when she will come out. I told her Xmas. She is really excited and when I asked her if it's okay to share her toys. She said yes without hesitation. I think she will be a great big sister. She will also run to me at time and kiss my tummy to say hi to her. It's so nice that I feel like they are bonding already.

As I know my baby in my tummy can hear voices now, I feel like I am reading to both of them when I play with Isabel. At night, when I tell her stories in the dark as she falls asleep, I know my other daughter is listening as well. What an experience to grow a baby. I can't wait to meet her in December.

- Lei

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