Saturday, June 25, 2011

had a scare

June 16, 2011 - 12 weeks 1 day

I took a friend to her doctor appt in Oakland.  Waited two hours and then took her back.  On the way back driving on the bridge, I felt "a kick" in my stomach.  no way - it's too early.  Or was that a contraction.  It happened 3 times one min apart.  I started crying after the 3rd one out of fear.  they were NOT painful but I know the baby is too small to make me feel a kick.

I called the nurse immediately and laid down when I got home.  She asked me how much water I drank since it was super hot that day.  I realized less than 8 oz in 5 hours.  She said you are okay but dehydrated.   Just make sure you drink 80 oz of water every day.  I drank about 24 oz of water right after the call.   I didn't realize I was really thirsty.  Lessons learned.  at least the baby is okay.  a relief.

- Lei

1 comment:

Dawn Nielsen said...

Oh that WAS scary!