Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How fast Isabel has grown

I remember thinking when she was just 1, how far away 3 years old is and in a flash she is already almost 4 years old.  Wow, here are the highlights

4 weeks - she was already sleeping 5 hours straight at night
6 week - her first long giggle.  It was so cute
12 weeks or so - can flip over after much effort
5 months - started scooting, the beginning of crawling
5 months - also when we did the dreaded sleep training - took 3 tries and was so hard but then she started sleeping through the night
9 months - standing and walking around the table
1 year exactly - took her first steps independent in the hall way
1-2 years - basic words and learning how to go from walking to running
1.5 years - mommy started a mothers group in the building and she started making friends - ayza, ellie, ronan, ronen, darwin, newton, nadia, etc..
2 years - love the word no although was never too terrible.
2.2 years - started walking "qiao hu" which is the Chinese educational cartoon with the Tiger.  loves it
2.5 years - talking in sentences
3 years - started with the whys but not too much.  I guess because we always explains things to her.  She hasn't harassed us with endless whys.
3.1 years - started preschool 2 days a week in Mandarin
3.4 years - can speak Mandarin in full sentences and understand mama in Mandarin wow
3.5 years - started grinding her teeth at night - a habit of most little ones I heard until they are 6. ugh.
3.6 years - a very talkative young lady, social, friendly, smart, shares, and loving.  She loves hanging with her friends just running and giggling.  She is ready to welcome her little sister.

I am so blessed to be her mama.


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