Saturday, June 25, 2011

Just when I think

June 15, 2011 12 weeks (size of a lime)

Just when I think I am getting over the hump, my pregnancy reminds me that nothing is predictable.  I was doing so well - 10 days without puking is a record for me.  Nausea everyday still but puking has not been as easy this pregnancy as the last one.  Sometimes it really hurts.

Well, I was starting to celebrate that perhaps I am over the hump of my first trimester, but wait it's not over.  I started puking again quite violently Sunday and Monday of this week.  Once on Sunday and twice on Monday.  The only thing I could think of is I didn't eat eggs those days. I was trying to change it up as I eat 2 or 3 eggs in the mornings.  Well, I started eating eggs again yesterday and no puking.  Probably unrelated but I am just holding on to any hope right now.

I also have been sleeping pretty well up to last night.  8 or 9 hours at night and 1-2 hour naps.  I have been super tired.  Well, that's been affected in the last two nights.  It's 5:11am and I woke up from stress dreams - vague ones.  I must just be stressed about
  • the CVS results (I get them early next week) - crossing my fingers and toes for my little "lime."
  • whether I will be able to work before next June, 2012.  I didn't really think through the fact it may be hard to get hired for only a few months if you are pregnant - oops.  
This forces me to work on the business which is good but it's unnerving to think I am going to see my bank account go down for another year. ugh.  I truly respect entrepreneurs who can risk it all for their business.  It takes a strong stomach and risk tolerance.  I am almost doing it now by default.  It's probably good for me as I love what I am doing with the business and would only going back to work for the money.    If I am forced to do the business, it may be a blessing in disguise.


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