Friday, October 25, 2013

What I learned from my china trip

I learned that I have a really fun loving, creative, caring extended family.  I think I always knew that to some extent but this time I was able to experience it more since we all travelled together

I learned I will always miss my Chinese extended family. I like it that my Chinese heritage and language skills are still strong inside me. I tend to store it in a box when I am back in the US since I am always so busy with kids work life.  But I realized I don't feel complete unless I can also maintain my closeness with my family in china.  I am glad I spent time with them.

I am learning from my big sister - cousin weiwei that there is always a way to speak with wittiness and humor yet address serious subjects.  She is a master at this and can make me laugh, care for me and point out ways i can improve all in a few sentences in a way that I can listen to and appreciate.  She can do this with everyone in our family and its brilliant.  Fundamentally I know my big sister has a huge heart and gives generously.  I learned a lot from her on this trip and hope to learn more on we chat and when she visits me.

I learned that I am blessed with good fortune and good friends in my life.  My visit to shanghai with friends really warmed my heart.  We had a blast and can still have deep conversation even after years of not seeing or talking to each other

I learned that time and experiences are the most precious things in life more than money.  I have come to know that lately but I really felt the richness in my life during this trip.

I learned how lucky I truly am to have such a supportive loving husband who encouraged me to go on this trip. I am grateful for how he has helped me grow everyday. ;-).

I learned that when I look for the good in people and in situations no matter what, I enjoy life more. 

I learned that when I don't try to over-plan or worry, things tends to fall into the place the way they should be ;-)

I am learning that just because I feel any physical discomfort from jet lag, bad sleep etc doesn't mean I have the right to have a bad mood and distribute my discomfort to others.  I can still choose to be good humored even in discomfort.  I see my big sis do this with grace. I am still learning.  This is one only child trait I know I have that is hard to break but I am working on it.

I learned its important to appreciate others for all that they do for me and for my parents.  The more I appreciate the world and my loved one in it, the more beautiful life is.  ;-)

Last but not the least, I learned blogging is super therapeutic especially on a trip like this.  ;-). I can rabble for hours as you can see. 


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