Sunday, October 6, 2013

My walking adventure.

Sunday is a day for my walking adventure. Since I had 9 hours of sleep, I missed the breakfast street cart.

My first adventure was a disappointment. I walked into the first restaurant and asked for chicken veggie noodle soup no msg. I was impressed they asked that and I can omit msg. Good start. Well the noodle soup was very disappointing. Tasted liked canned soup with noodles from the super market and barely any chicken or veggie. At least it was close and only $2.5.

Next I walked along the main road full of little merchant selling cheap jewelry and passed a set of oulic use bicycles. Apparently you can just borrow one for an hour for free. I was tempted but today walking was my goal. Maybe tomorrow.

I was headed to ya show market - famous for counterfeit brand stuff. I just need some long sleeve shirts since I realized that I didn't bring enough.

It was 3 floors if little stalls. I didnt take any photos inside but it pretty much look like any other bargain market stalls anywhere except more sales people. Prices were surprisingly overpriced. I guess that's how they start. I think you are suppose to pay only 1/3 of the price but I was definitely out of practice. I knew I paid way too much for some stuff but it was at least fun. It didn't help that I was a bit hungry by the time I finished. Bargaining on an empty stomach is pretty costly. I soon found myself out of cash. Luckily I didn't being much and had enough for a cab home. I am now eating at a restaurant close to home hoping they will take my American credit card. And the adventure continues. ;-)

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