Thursday, October 24, 2013

Six modern inconveniences to note about china

I am writing this also to remind myself of what isabel need to expect when she visits china as I really hope to bring her to visit next time.

Here are 6 inconveniences in china that are not easy to get use to

1. Biggest one is public bathroom - yes I took a picture of one. This one is clean at least. Majority of public bathrooms are like this unless you are at high end places. If you ever wonder why all Chinese people can squat all the way down, this is why - daily practice. You basically have to pee or poop while squatting this way.

On top of that, most of them don't have toilet paper. You have to bring your own. And if you really go local, some bathroom won't even have doors to separate people. You basically have to pee and poop in front of people in worse case scenario. I grew up this way in china this way so i can deal but it can be a shock for others

2. Hot water temperature need to be turned on and can be unpredictable. This shouldn't be a problem in hotels but I stayed with family and Chinese families all have a water heater that they turn on when they want to use hot water for showers and stuff. You have to adjust the gadge on the water heater to get the right temperature otherwise the shower could be too cold or too hot.

3. Don't drink ice water. The water from the faucet is not drinkable so all water are filtered or boiled to drink. Most Chinese people don't make ice especially if its not summer. You also can never get free ice water in restaurants. Free water is usually hot water or warm water.

4. Cars have the right of way. In the US, people have the right of way. it's not the case in china. I had to remember that the first few days as I almost got ran over a few times. Even when the light is green, the turning cars will cut you off or honk at you loudly if you are in the way.

5. Bed mattress are mostly uncomfortable. The nice hotel are fine. I stayed at two sheratons and they probably import their mattresses. There is probably a huge market opportunity for selling comfy mattresses in china. Most of them are hard or too soft or lack the right level of support. I experienced it myself at my aunts house and in hotels in small towns plus my friend In shanghai also complained about the same thing and she has been back four years. You can get luxury mattresses but it's not affordable for most people. I got used to it after awhile but I SO MISS MY COMFY bed.

6. Wu Mai - which is the pollution in the area that looks like fog. It's not everyday but after a few days of no wind, the fog builds up that is full of fine dust. It stung my eyes after walking around a bit. There is too any cars that doesn't meet the emission standards US has and industrial companies inside the city. When Wu Mai is bad my cousin doesn't even let his kids outside.

I worry most about #1,4,6 for isabel but I know kids adapt as I did. Also we wouldn't be visiting for long maybe 2-3 weeks max. We will see.

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