Friday, October 18, 2013

Our adventure climbing a mountain

Its hard to believe 7 out of nine in our group are over 60 years old. My parents are 69. You wouldn't be able to tell as yesterday we hiked two hours up and down a mountain with very steep steps.

We probably walked 10k steps and impressively all who went made it with amazing speed and grace. Only two chose to stay behind.

Along the way, we took many photos. Most of my photos are in my aunt and cousins iPads. Will share when they sent them to me. We also had fun joking around with each other and had refreshing watermelon half way up the mountain. At the end of the hike was a beautiful 25 min boat ride on a serene lake. I wish I could water ski in it. It was so beautiful. We also witnessed a beautiful naturally occurring rock formation that resemble a body part. (See photo). Can you tell what it is? Haha

Although we rode our private bus for 3.5 hours each way, witnessing my parents climb a mountain and everyone having fun were priceless. I am so glad they have been working out all these years. I hope I can be as healthy when I am 69.

At the end of the day, we were greeted with a hotel bed that was as hard as concrete just warmer but we were too tired to let that stop us from sleep. There is probably a huge opportunity to sell comfortable mattress in china. But I digress. All in all, a very memorable day.

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