Thursday, June 23, 2011

my 1st OB visit

May 19, 2011 - 8 weeks and 1 day (size of a kidney bean)

I love my OB, Dr Jane Fang.  She goes above and beyond to care for her patients.  She came back on her night off after a charity event to do my C section in 2008 at 9:30pm.  I was so relieved to have her there and see her again today - my first visit for this pregnancy

It's been 3 years so I wasn't sure what to expect.  How quickly we forget.  I was hoping to have an ultrasound and had a list of questions.  She was so calming.  here are the results
  • There was an ultrasound - the baby looks like a small almond.   She said it's 8 weeks and a day based on measurements.  I was hoping it was a bit further along, since morning sickness has been a bxxch. Oh well, at least there was only one embryo found - no twins.
  • She recommended CVS for me given I will be 39 soon and the other blood tests take too long.  Not looking forward to it but at least it gives me a milestone to focus on besides puking everyday.
  • told me I will show sooner this time given it's my second one - great - even harder to hide.  don't plan to tell anyone until after 12-14 weeks.  that's up to 6 weeks from now.  ugh
  • she calmed me and told me all my nausea and vomiting is normal and healthy.  It will subside by 14 weeks.
  • I have so far gain about 1.5 pounds only although I feel so bloated.
all in all, really nice visit.  My next one at 12 week on June 17th, but first I gotta schedule my CVS.  Called the same day and got an appt on Friday June 10th.  3 more weeks

- Lei

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