Thursday, June 23, 2011

First Trimester - How I am coping

May 10, 2011 - 7 weeks - size of a "blueberry"

By the time you read this and if everything goes well, I will be in my second trimester.  I maybe bigger, but at least I will have my tastebuds back and more energy.  Ahhh.  wouldn't that be nice?  This post is a little descriptive, so read at your own risk.

Right now, I am in food hell.   And as a foodie, that's like taking away part of my happiness.  I feel like I am having a permanent stomach flu.  Nothing taste good.   I don't know what my body wants to eat although I seem to be hungry all the time.  I have a permanent bad taste in my mouth.   ugh I am only 7 weeks pregnant, another 7 weeks of this before it's suppose to subside.  wow.

I am starting to adapt a bit.  I am accepting that
  1. my normal food instinct is blocked and I can no longer tell what I want to eat
  2. I may buy food that I will then throw away after first bite because it actually taste disgusting to me
  3. I will eat and then may barf it out an hour later.  
  4. I will be envious of others who looks like they enjoy their food so much
It's been 10 days like this already and I guess at least I am more adapted.  Jaime has been extra supportive and allows me to change my mind 100 times on what food we will eat together.  Last night, Agnes made brocolli beef and the simple smell of boiled broccoli almost made me barf, so we went out for ceasar salad soup and some meatballs.  

I realize now distractions are a must.  Because I don't work for someone, it's actually harder to not dwell on my physical state, so I am learning to 
  • force myself to go to my co-working space to work every day.  no one knows there so I have act normal and not complain.  It actually helps to not think about it
  • watch TV when I eat so I don't think about what I eat and whether I am going to puke
  • talk to friends about their issues - distract me from my own - Ha!
  • continue salsa dancing.  I take it easy but I still go.  The fact I dress up and can still dance take my mind off.  I stay for at most an hour now but the sweating helps so much with hormones
  • cry when I feel like it at home or in the car.  It again releases my hormones.  I cried a few times during Tangled (which we watched as a family last night).  Isabel loved it and so did I.
  • not burden my hubby with any whining - He has enough on his plate and is already supportive.  I am lucky.  Whining helps no one anyways. 
An idle mind is a dangerous one in first trimester, so I am just going to have to keep it busy and let my body adjust in the main time.   It's starting to work.  Crossing my fingers.   My first doctor appt is on May 19 - next Thursday.  ugh, it seems like forever for now.   I can't wait to see my little baby in the ultrasound.  I think they can get a heart beat by then.  That's the happy thought I am holding onto right now.

- Lei

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