Tuesday, October 12, 2021

The Mysterious Ghost by Alexis Lapena

Alexis just wrote this story for her homework - spooky Halloween story.  What do you think?

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Jack. Jack was preparing for Halloween, he couldn't find a Halloween costume to wear, so he went downstairs to the kitchen to ask his mom what he should be. Mom was making breakfast. Jack went to ask her. "Well, what is your favorite character?" asked Jack's mom. "I don't know" Said Jack. "Why don't you be a scary animal or something scary or even just really anything?" Said Jack's mom. "What are you and dad gonna be?" asked Jack. "I don't know what your dad is going to be, but I am going to be a reindeer." Replied Jack's mom. "We can ask your father what he is going to be once he comes back from the park." Said Jack's mom. "What is dad doing at the park?" Asked Jack. "He is taking Momo for a walk." Replied Jack's mom. Momo is Jack's dog. He is a furry little dog that hangs out and loves Jack a lot.  Jack went upstairs to his room and looked outside the window to see if his dad was outside. No one was outside.

A few hours later he heard his dad's keys clanging against the door. Jack ran downstairs to see if his dad was down there. "Hey buddy, did you finish your homework?" Asked Jack's dad. "Daddy!!!" Yelled Jack, running across the room. "Did you finish your homework" Asked Jack's dad again squinting at Jack. "No, not yet" Replied Jack. Jack gave his dad a big hug. "Okay, but you have to finish it later alright?" Asked Jack's dad. "Okay" Replied Jack. 

The next day Jack got out of his bed sprinting down the stairs like he was racing a billion other people and yelled "IT'S HALLOWEEENNNN" Waking his dad who was sleeping on the couch. "Mmm" Muttered his dad. "Oh buddy, i'm glad your so excited, but it's 6 o'clock. You don't need to be waking up so early, plus your mother is still sleeping." Said his dad. "BUT THERE'S NO TIME TO SLEEP. IT'S HALLOWEEN AND WE NEED TO DRESS UP AND GO TRICK OR TREATING!" Yelled Jack talking really fast. "Trick or treating isn't until 8 PM" Said Jack's dad. "Oh right" Said Jack. carrying Momo upstairs. "Oh Momo, don't you want to go trick or treating?" Asked Jack. "Rufff" Barked Momo. "I'll take that as a yes" Said Jack. 

At lunch time Jack was at the table shoving all his food into his mouth. "Jack, Don't do that at the table" Said his mom. "But ish halsowean and wi nead to bi redy" Replied Jack with his mouth full of food. "Don't talk with your mouth full" Said his mom. Jack swallowed all his food like it was nothing. His dad giving him the EW face looking like he is about to throw up. "You finished your homework right?" Asked his dad. "Oh no! I forgot." Exclaimed Jack. Jack's dad gave him a frustrated look. "I promise I'll do it later." Begging his dad. "Alright fineeee." Said his dad. Jack took an exhale of relief and ran back upstairs.

When it was finally time to go trick or treating, Jack put on his ghost costume and ran downstairs. Yes, he found a costume. Jack put on Momo's super hero jacket on Momo and looked at mom and dad walking out of their room. "I am the magnificent reindeer" Said Jack's mom. "Oh dad, your the male reindeer?" Asked Jack. "yes that's correct" Replied Jack's dad. "Now let's go!" Jack and his family walked down the street to notice that there were a ton of people in costumes trick or treating. Jack ran down the street to start trick or treating. When he also noticed another ghost up ahead. He walked toward the ghost and said "hi." The ghost ran away behind him. Jack turned around to know that the mysterious ghost had vanished. "Strange." said Jack. "oh well." Jack rang every door bell in the neighborhood. At the last door he was about to ring the doorbell when he saw the ghost he had seen before fly right through the door. He heard a loud scream. Jack ran back to his parents and told them everything. Of course they didn't believe Jack. "Let's go back. You have to finish your homework now okay?" Asked Jack's dad. "Okay!" Replied Jack in relief. Jack was almost glad that he could go home and know that he would be safe there.

Finally when they all got back home. Jack picked up Momo and ran upstairs. Jack put Momo in his bed and wondered "Did you see that Momo?!" Asked Jack. "Ruff!" Barked Momo. "never mind, you wouldn't even understand me." Said Jack. "But yes I would" Said a mysterious voice. Jack looked around. When lastly he saw Momo. "was that you Momo?" Asked Jack. "indeed it was" Said Momo. "YOU CAN TALK?!" Yelled Jack. "mwuahahahaha" Laughed Momo. "how is this possible?!" Yelled Jack backing away from Momo. "Well, you see your little friend outside has been contacting meeee" Said Momo looking very evil. "YOU MEAN THAT GHOST OUTSIDE?!" Yelled Jack panting. "Yesssss" Said Momo. "THIS IS NOT REAL, YOU CAN'T BE TALKING!!!! IT'S NOT YOU GHOST! YOUR FREAKING ME OUT!!!" Yelled Jack.

"You fool, IT IS ME!" Yelled Momo. "WHAT?!" Yelled Jack. "I AM YOUR FRIENDLY GHOST FRIEND" Said the ghost that Jack had seen before coming out of Momo. "ALL THE SCREAMS THE RUN AWAYS?!" yelled Jack. "Yes, and I am coming after you NEXT! MUAHAHAHAHAAAA!" Yelled the ghost. "What is going on in here?!" Yelled Jack's mom. Jack turned to his mom and pointed at Momo. Jack was trying to say that this ghost came out of momo and said he was coming for Jack next, but of course they wouldn't believe Jack. After Jack pointed at Momo. Mom and dad ran to Momo. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Yelled Jack's mom. Momo was laying on the floor not able to breath. "WE NEED TO TAKE MOMO TO THE VET NOW!" Yelled Jack's dad. "HURRY UP, GET YOUR JACKET AND SHOES WERE OUT OF HERE! WE ARE GOING TO TALK ABOUT THIS LATER YOUNG MAN!" Yelled his dad carrying Momo downstairs to the car. "It's okay buddy, we are going to the pet vet. Your going to be okay you hear me?" Said Jack's dad talking to Momo. "This is what happens when you treat a ghost like that" Said the mysterious ghost voice. "AHHHHHH" Yelled Jack. Everybody looked at Jack. "WHAT'S WRONG?!" Yelled mom and dad. Mom was driving and didn't look at the road and ran into a car. 

The next thing Jack knew, was sirens. He heard sirens. When the sirens got closer and louder it suddenly stopped. They took everybody out of the car and put us on beds and took us in the ambulance. I was really scared. We were at the hospital and they told us that it was going to be okay, but was it? I asked myself. It's all because of that ghost or is it all because I said hi to it. Jack got really curious. Jack knew he was going to be okay, but what he was worried about was his mom and dad. "They shouldn't have gotten into all of this, it's just between me and the ghost. Not mom and dad" Said Jack. All the doctors in Jack's room looked at Jack. "what did you say buddy?" Asked a doctor. "Oh! Nothing" Said Jack. "OWWWWW" Yelled Jack. "what happened?" asked a doctor. "You just stuck a needle in my arm and took it out, it really HURT!" Complained Jack. "We didn't do anythi-  All the doctors were interrupted by the floating needle. One doctor went to go poke it. Eventually got it stuck in the doctor's arm. "This is not possible" Said another doctor. "That's what I said, mom and dad just wouldn't believe me" Said Jack. Jack couldn't move from the car accident. Once the floating needle poked all the doctors in Jack's room. All the doctors in the room fell asleep. The floating needle suddenly turned into a ghost holding a needle! "I'M BACK!" Yelled the ghost. "And this time I am very hungry!" "MWUAHAHAHAHAH" Yelled the ghost. The other doctors ran into the room. "What happened herer?!" Yelled the doctor. "The ghost! The ghost! He was here. He poked everybody and the doctors fell asleep!"  explained Jack. Again no one believed him. The doctors got mad because Jack was the only one that wasn't asleep. "Alright kid, your not actually hurt are you? Get off the bed, ghosts aren't real." Said a doctor. "I am hurt, I'm telling you! There was a ghost!!!" Yelled Jack. The floating object came up again. All the doctors saw it. Except this time it wasn't a needle...it was a KNIFE. The ghost had gone to far. Jack had to do something. Unfortunately, Jack couldn't because of the car accident. In his head the ghost said that he had "handled" everybody outside of this room. "Even my mom and dad?" Asked Jack to the ghost. "Yesss indeed" Said the ghost. After he "handled" all the doctors in Jack's room the knife came closer to him. "Your going to be my desert!" Said the ghost in hunger. "No please no!!!" Yelled Jack. "Jack wake up! Jack wake up! Jack!" Said Jack's mom. Jack woke up. "Mom? You're, you're...you're here." Said Jack in relief. "Yes honey, I'm here." "It was all a dream." "It's ok." Said Jack's mom. Jack hugged his mom, his dad, and Momo. 

Jack's mom says It's just a dream...but was it?

The End

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