Monday, April 16, 2012

Alexis is 4 months old

Time flies. Just awhile ago, Isabel was only 4 months old.  Now Alexis is already 4 months old.  Her check up went well.  She is at 75% tile for both height and weight and 50% tile for head circumference.

Here are the stats.  We were sure that she is bigger than Isabel was when she was 4 months old, but we are wrong.

  • Height  24.75 inches (Isabel was 25.75 inches)
  • Weight 14 lbs 14 oz (Isabel was 15.5 lb)
  • Head circumference 16.1 inches (not sure what Isabel was)
Just to show you our memories can be quite faulty. Good thing I had a blog post about Isabel's check up to compare.  

The only advice the doctor gave us was it's time for Alexis to get on a sleep schedule.  

Step 1, get into a regular nap schedule
wake up - 7am
1st nap- 9:30-11am (I didn't know this but it's best for babies to get 2 sleep cycles in a nap other wise it's not as good for them)
2nd nap 1:30-3:00pm 
3rd nap 5:30-6pm 
this is just a guideline of course, but the amazing thing is the more she can sleep during the day, the more she can sleep at night. This should take up to 2 weeks to get into

Step 2, night sleep training.
bedtime: 7:30 or 8pm
cry it out.
ok to cry up to an hour or 90 min to learn how to self sooth.

good luck to us all.


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