Saturday, April 28, 2012

Mark and Kim wedding

They are such a sweet couple and arianalin is so cute!

Very flexible

Isabel is so flexible right now

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Such a little girl already

Alexis unique hair style

My mom used to do this to my hair as a baby. The tradition continues.

Alexis new hat

Just in time for spring

Friday, April 20, 2012

Sleeping angel

Look at those chubby rolls on her arms and legs. I just want to eat them.

Isabel's first thank you card

She wrote the whole thing with some help from agnes and did her own decoration.
Wow how she has grown!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My little Ywok

I love seeing Alexis in this outfit.   She wore this on Saturday at Taylor's bday since it was a little chilly but she had a good time.  

Monday, April 16, 2012

Alexis is 4 months old

Time flies. Just awhile ago, Isabel was only 4 months old.  Now Alexis is already 4 months old.  Her check up went well.  She is at 75% tile for both height and weight and 50% tile for head circumference.

Here are the stats.  We were sure that she is bigger than Isabel was when she was 4 months old, but we are wrong.

  • Height  24.75 inches (Isabel was 25.75 inches)
  • Weight 14 lbs 14 oz (Isabel was 15.5 lb)
  • Head circumference 16.1 inches (not sure what Isabel was)
Just to show you our memories can be quite faulty. Good thing I had a blog post about Isabel's check up to compare.  

The only advice the doctor gave us was it's time for Alexis to get on a sleep schedule.  

Step 1, get into a regular nap schedule
wake up - 7am
1st nap- 9:30-11am (I didn't know this but it's best for babies to get 2 sleep cycles in a nap other wise it's not as good for them)
2nd nap 1:30-3:00pm 
3rd nap 5:30-6pm 
this is just a guideline of course, but the amazing thing is the more she can sleep during the day, the more she can sleep at night. This should take up to 2 weeks to get into

Step 2, night sleep training.
bedtime: 7:30 or 8pm
cry it out.
ok to cry up to an hour or 90 min to learn how to self sooth.

good luck to us all.


She can hold her pacifier

Sunday, April 15, 2012

tummy time video

This was taken 4 weeks ago already.  but gotta share

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Monday, April 2, 2012

What a pair

Look at Alexis hair after she just slept.