Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Marathon Feeding

Alexis is 5 days old.  Yesterday was her first day home and it was quite a challenge.  Three days ago, in the hospital, I got my milk early but she didn't know how to breast feed well yet.  I was so frustrated that I had to give her a little formula even though I had milk for her.  She was falling asleep every min instead of trying to feed from me.

So I was wishing hard that she learns quickly how to breast feed. I loved doing it with Isabel and so I didn't want to miss out with Alexis.   Well, Alexis is a fast learner.  After seeing a lactation consultant in the hospital, I learned how to teach Alexis to breast feed and she learned fast.  and I got my wish a little too well.

That brings me to last night and my Marathon breast feeding session.  She turned into a baby that can't get enough breast milk.  I fed her at 11:30pm and then try to sleep a little.  Alexis woke up at 1:30 and the Marathon begins from 1:30am to 6am of almost non stop breast feeding.

  • she pooped first and then I fed her on both side for 20 min each
  • I went back to sleep at 2:20am only to wake at 2:48 am to find her hungry again
  • fed her again on both side for 20 min each.
  • she pooped again and still wanted more.  Now it's almost 4am
  • I fed her again on both side for 20 min each
  • Both Agnes and I tried to put her down and I had a chance to eat a snack.  so hungry after she ate so much.
  • Well, as soon as I finished eating, she fussed again wanted more food at 5am
  • Fed her more from 5-6am until finally she passed out at 6am.
I have never had to breast feed for 4.5 hours before.  It was quite an experience.  Agnes and I were both exhausted.  But I got my wish.  Now she eats more than Isabel did at her age.  I guess I need to be careful what I wish for.   :-)   Thankfully, she slept from 6am - 10am so I got about 3 hours of sleep within that to start the day anew.

She is now on a 2 hour feeding schedule during the day.  From beginning feeding time to the next one is 2 hours, so if I feed her at 10am for 45 min to an hour, then I feed her again at 12pm then 2pm and so on.   I guess this is why new moms never get enough sleep.  She has been good today sleeping after feeding.

It's 9pm now and I am bracing for another interesting night.  wish me luck.


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