Saturday, February 19, 2011

4 min workout - it's not as easy as it sounds

During our Chinese New Year dinner last night, my friend Nick (workout expert as Founder of shared this quick workout with us.  It takes only 4 min and will leave you exhausted if you give it your all.  I didn't believe it until I tried.

It's called the Tabata workout.  Nick didn't invent it but once he told me I had to tried it.  The concept is easy. 
  • 20 seconds - give it your all on a workout of your choosing (e.g., jumping jacks)
  • 10 seconds - rest
  • repeat for 8 times for a total of 4 minutes
Sounds easy right?  Well, we tried at dinner with the help of little Sloane.  She is Kerry's 5 months old and about 16 pounds.  She loves getting picked up and lifted.  So that was my workout of choosing - sitting and lifting her up in front of me.  First 20 seconds, no problem and Sloane was smiling every seconds of it.  By the 5th set, my face was red and I was sweating.  Sloane still loved it. I lasted only to the 6th set - so 3 minutes.

Wow, and I am still sore today from it.  I tried again today and did it with Jumping Jacks.  I thought it would be easy but the 8th set was tough.  The second one was the knee high runs in place.  That almost killed me.

Well, Nick is right. It works. Now I have a workout to do during the days I usually don't work out as it takes at most 20 minute.  three 4 min workout and then 8 min of stretching.  You have to give it a try.

Go Gain Fitness!

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