Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Rollercoaster ride with tv and a meal

What am talking about? My flight to kunming, actually. We hit some turbulance and we felt our stomaches hit free fall afew times. Being scared would be useless as there is no way out so I just tried to enjoy it.. The bumpiness actually can feel like someone rocking me to sleep. .

I am not too surprised this happened in china. I hear some ex-military pilots fly commercial sometimes tends to go a bit faster. I remember taking a flight to shanghai from HK when I used to work in asia where the whole plane started scraming as if we were on a dead drop rollercoaster ride. My male korean colleague had to go threw up. That was a lot worse and about 15 yrs ago. This was just entertaining. So be prepared if you fly within china.

Ps: perhaps I stand corrected. I sat next to someone on my flight back to sf fro beijing that is a pilot in china. He said the reason it's bumpier flying in china is becoz the chinese military does not allow commercial flights to deviate much from their path for national security reasons while american airspace has more flexibility to fly around bad weather turbulance.

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