Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Typical Saturday for Isabel...

Ferry market, japenese delica cafe, hanging by the water fountain.

- lei

Isabel with the baby goats

at the ferry market

Isabel at Fairyland

We got an annual membership to Fairyland and check it out about a month ago. She really liked it.

- Lei

Isabel loves the monkey bar!

She is a strong girl!

- Lei

Isabel's first visit to the Zoo

She loved this spider web..

- Lei


Oh I am in trouble. Isabel already loves shoes - the higher the better.

- Lei

Isabel loves to Vacuum

Her new toy from Bita and Bito.

- Lei

Isabel loves her birthday gift from Lao-lao

- Lei

Isabel sings "My Girl by the Temptations"

Very talented singer already - I know I am biased, but it's just so cute.

- Lei

Isabel's Bday Celebration with her playmates

Isabel's little birthday get together with her friends from the neighborhood.

- Lei

Isabel's Birthday Presents

Well, what can I say? Isabel definitely got a lot of presents for her 2nd bday.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sleepless in San francisco

Every once in awhile, I would have trouble sleeping.  Tonight it's really because I let little things irritate me and disturb my mind.  I know I should let them go so I can sleep, but it's harder said then done.

So I take Pete's advice - instead of watching the inside of my eyelids for hours, I get up and do stuff until I am sleepy - read a chapter in Rays of Dawn, ate some yummy chicken and veggies and rice, watched an episode of "Gossip Girl", and responded to emails.  Now I am posting.  It's 3:12am. I am tired but not sleepy.

Something in the back of my mind still disturbs me.  not sure what it is.  I think it's indecision.  I hate being wishy washy but I realized surprisingly that I am also a pleaser to a select few in my life.  Because of that, I make decisions based on what I think pleases them and then realize they really didn't care either way and if I did what I wanted, I would have made a different decision.

I didn't think I am that person in general, but I guess I am that person in certain circumstances.  It frustrates me because it's not like they demand or ask me to act this way.  I put it all on myself to be this way because I care, but I think sometimes, I and they would be happier if I cared less.  At least I am aware that's what I am doing and therefore I can adjust and change.  I know I am being vague but it's late and I just want to ramble a bit.   It's making me sleepy which is a good sign :-)

I am nostalgic of the days of childhood when I always just sleep easily.  No over-worrying of unimportant things.  Adults used to tell me to enjoy my childhood as there are a lot more to worry about when I grow up. I didn't believe them as I am sure my daughter won't believe me.   Once I became an adult though, I understood.  C'est la vie.  Time to sleep and dream happy dreams.  Good night!

- Lei
p.s.: don't worry mom, I am fine and healthy.  I am sure I will sleep like a baby now and tomorrow :-)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Favorite quote of the day

"it's better to be loved or hated than to be forgotten altogether"

So go out there and be controversial!

Happy Tuesday!

- Lei

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Isabel is 2 years old today!

Wow, time flies and Isabel is already 2 years old! She is a darling and such a good girl. We love her so much. Thanks to Agnes' creativity, we have another photo story to share.

- Lei