Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Isabel is learning many words

She is learning exponentially fast now. Just like when she started walking, after two weeks, she was running. Well, she started talking a month ago and now she can try to repeat many things we say. We really have to be careful what we say.

In this video, she learned to say "cookies pls" and "thank you"

The many words Isabel knows are Mama, Mommie, Dada, Daddy, Yaya, Bita (she says Bika), Bito, Lao Lao, Lao ye (which are grandma, grandpa in Chinese), socks (she say Duck), jacket, Meimei, Agnes (Aggie), Drink (she unfortunately pronounce it as d__k,  makes me laugh every time), oh oh, oh no, please, eat, more, up, down, out, open, morning, banana (she says nana), apple, ball, night night (nigh, nigh).  I am sure she will learn many more soon.  Lately she has been saying "buck"  We still don't know what she is trying to say but we hope she is not imitating Daddy.   Enjoy the video

- Lei

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