Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Men Feel the Pain of Pregnancy Too!

So I came across this quaint little diagram of how Huichol Indian women share their pregnancy pain with there husbands. All I can say is, "Thank God Lei and I are Asian!"

In case you can't read the diagram and are too lazy to click on the pic, it reads:

"Huichol Indians are descendants of the Aztecs, and live in the mountains of North Central Mexico. During traditional childbirth, the father sits above his laboring wife on the roof of their hut. Ropes are tied around his testicles and his wife hold onto the end of these ropes. Each time she feels a painful contraction, she tugs on the ropes so that her husband will share some of the pain of bringing their baby into the world."

It hurts me just looking at this diagram.

- Jaime

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