I was pleasantly surprised, however, when my doctor said I could return to doing it with modified poses starting my second trimester.
I am so glad I did. I started going back once a week since first week of January (around my 22 week) and it has been awesome for my back and for my whole feeling of well-being.
Before then, I was getting so anxious as I haven't worked out much for 4 months and I used to exercise 3 times a week. On top of that, I was feeling like my body was growing out of control - I am sure a common feeling in pregnancy.
After starting Bikram again, I feel much more at ease with my growing body and feel less clumsy as well. I also love the heat in my studio. It's radiant heat, so it's not that unpleasant blast of occasional dry overbearing heat from regular heaters. It's like working out in a super warm tropical climate instead. Since I have done it before, the heat is actually welcoming instead of unbearable. Baby seems to like it as well and kicks me occasionally during my poses.
Since I cannot squeeze my belly, I modify about 50% of the poses which eases the exercise but still last 90 min to help me stretch and strengthen. Overall, it's been great.
Amazingly my doctor said I can continue Bikram for as long as I want during my pregnancy as long as I don't feel faint or super tired afterwards, so we will see how long I will continue. The icing on the cake too is that Jaime goes with me every Wed to Yoga. So we get a little mid-week husband and wife outing filled with healthy exercise and a good meal afterwards :-)
- Lei
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