Sunday, October 23, 2022

Isabel’s homecoming video

We made a whole afternoon of isabel homecoming dance since it's her first one in high school.  We started with a updo by Jonathan and then makeup by Tracy.  I never had this when I was a kid but I knew she would want to try it.    We also had a chance to grab pizza in between. It was really fun to help her get ready.   In exchange let me do a photo shoot of her in our courtyard. 🥰

 Even Alexis had fun as we had a chance to go to Ross while we waited and I helped her study for her Chinese test.  

Of course, being Chinese, I made sure Isabel knew how much everything cost so she doesn't take it for granted.   😂. After the dance she actually said "mom, next time I think I want to try doing my own hair and make up. It's time I know how to tie my hair in a bun and stuff! ". 🤗

Here is the video of our afternoon and her dance at the end.  Pictures with her friends are all at the end of the video. Enjoy!


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Isabel 9th grade homecoming

Isabel went to her first homecoming dance at sacred heart. She said she had a great time. They had free dipping dots, donuts, caricature artists, phone booth and of course dj. All for $20 a ticket.

She went with her best Zoe who goes to a different school. They had fun. It was from 7-10pm at her school. Very tight security especially around liquids which was great.

Isabel is 14 and 5'6" already. She looked fabulous. Many thanks to agnes who lend her this very stylish dress.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

My Europe Trip Experience

I just got back from Europe and am happy to report that the trip was an amazing experience! 

In Denmark, my team won the b-bracket cup and it was a great warm-up tournament for our bigger competition in Sweden. Compared to Cup No.1 in Denmark, the Gothia cup in Sweden was ten times larger with 59 countries participating.

There, we played 7 teams and fought hard to make it to the quarter-finals. We lost narrowly to the best team in Norway in the quarter-finals (0-1). It was a tough loss but we gave it our best and learned to compete at the highest level.

Overall, this experience has taught me how to be independent, how to be a better defender on the field, and how to be a better team player.

Thank you all for supporting me in my unforgettable journey!

Monday, August 1, 2022

We have the Vacation blues :-(

 We came back on Friday night.  Jet lag hasn't been too bad and it was awesome to hug the kids and sleep in our own bed again.   We did however came back to a very grey SF weather.  It's been cloudy since we returned and much reflect our mood.  As much as we liked to come home, Portugal was just beautiful, relaxing, with amazing food, friendly people, and everything is so much cheaper.  We miss all of it. 

It makes us really rethink about our long term future as life in Europe just seems less crazy especially in the summer.  

  • We met our friends who are retired at the age of 48 and happy.  
  • We met Luisa  who switched from being a lawyer to being the person who works at the guest house we stayed at.   She is making almost the same but is 100 times happier.  
  • We met Tim who is a Texan but left the US six years ago and now owns a Texas bar in Porto and couldn't be happier
  • We saw people young and old just hanging out with each other during the day and at night enjoying life and the beautiful weather. 
It makes coming back to the rat race of American corporate that much harder.  It makes us think differently about retirement as well. 
  • How can we work on our terms until maybe we are 85 but start enjoying life more now?
  • How can we perhaps live a bit more in Europe, especially Portugal in addition to the States, while our kids are still home?
  • How can we rethink how much money we really need to live well?
  • How can we remake our work situations now so we can better enjoy life while we are still young, healthy?
  • How can I work maybe 9 months out of the years instead?
I don't want to retire at the age of 65.  That seems like an idea that is no longer as relevant for our generation.  Instead I want to work and still use my brain until I die but at the same time, spend more time with family, friends, and imagine different ways to enjoy life.   Our trip to Europe filled us with excitement for the future and many new questions of whatifs.  I guess I have to be patient and let them marinate a little so we can experiment with what could be slowly over the next 10 years. 

I miss the sun and the energy of Portugal.   I guess it will pass as times goes on.  In 2 weeks, kids are back at school and we will have a very hectic schedule again of drop off and pick up plus both kids in competitive soccer practice and games.  Will keep us busy...

For now, I guess I should be grateful for two healthy, imaginative kids, a loving husband, my own health and for our parents being relatively healthy and independent still.   Grateful also for my job to allow me a 3 month sabbatical.   I have 4 weeks left before I go back to work.  not ready yet... 

The blues will pass.  I guess I will just have to wait.  at least in the meantime kids and I have gotten ourselves into binge watching K-drama. First one - business proposal - so silly and romantic.  next is a C drama - legend of the white snake.  Will be cool to see how much the kids can understand the mandarin.   Until then, just taking some deep breath and enjoying the comfort of our bed - none of the hotel beds compared.  It's still always good to be home again

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Isabel and team in group A quarter finals.

Playoff happened. Isabel and team are in group A which has 32 teams and super tough competitions. They had two games today and team fought hard and won both. First one was at 9:10 am and they won by getting a goal to tie at the last 50 second. And then won based on PK - penalty kicks as they tied 2-2 and after 7 PKs, they missed. Super tough team and we won based on lots of grit and heart.

The second game was at 4:05pm and was 85 degrees We won based on great defense including isabel as the score was only 1-0. Now there are only 8 teams left. Quarter final is tomorrow at 12:40 and then 4:30 if they win would be semifinals.

Isabel stayed with us today in between games to eat and napped under shade. It was 88 degrees today and daddy helped her warm up and stretch and get ready 🤗🥰

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Tomorrow starts playoff in Sweden Gothia cup

Isabel and team are 4 win no losses in the practice round. Tomorrow starts playoffs. They qualified for group A which is very tough competition and single elimination. Her game is at 9:10am and if win then go to second game at 3:40pm. If loss, then it's over. Yikes.

She came back to hotel with us again to shower chill and have dinner. We had Indian food as food in Sweden in general not great. This place was decent. Look how grown she looks.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Gothia cup is great but Sweden is not

We have been here 2.5 days and miss Portugal. Food here is just as expensive as sf and not as good.

We went to gothia cup opening ceremony with 50k people which was great. Isabel and team have won all 3 of their games so far but this is just the beginning.

We are not impressed with Gothenburg Sweden but gothia cup is impressive and it's a great experience for isabel. We are here for her and our time with her is fun.

We are staying right by central station. There are chain stores everywhere - 7/11, McDonald, KFC, Burger King, this local convenient store called Pressbryan. Not impressed with food so far and service is much more slow it seems.

Also it's more cold like sf. We miss the beach of Portugal and the good food and consistent sun.

Alas, it's for isabel and her soccer experience in Europe. At least our hotel breakfast is super extensive and nice and we have a nice view in our small but functional room.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Almost no one wearing masks in portugal

Jaime and I are the very few that wears masks when we are on planes or buses or in taxi / Uber or near crowds.

We were just on a flight to Amsterdam and a bunch of girls are all coughing the whole flight. Yet no masks and no sense of responsibility to others. It's amazing the lack of care some people have.

In Portugal it seems people assume COVID is over. Nonetheless we are wearing our masks in crowds and on planes.

Other people not coughing and not wearing masks with small babies even do not seem to mind. I guess to all them COVID is done.

I hope so.

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The mighty dollar vs euro and ATM tip

It's almost $1 to 1 euro exchange rate right now, like $1.01 to 1 euro. This made traveling very cost effective for us in Portugal.

Also interesting to find out that there are different atms. Most charge a commission and higher exchange fees. Only the multi Banco ATMs with the symbol MB will give us wholesale good exchange rate. The trick is we must decline the offered exchange rate at the atm twice and then we get the best exchange rate. Super odd but good to know.

Clifton our friend from wharton told us about this as they moved to Portugal last December 2021.

Happy traveling.

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Awesome food and restaurants in albufeira Portugal

Our flight to Sweden today is delayed by 70 min so I have all this time to write and remember our trip here in Algarve region. 

This one is all about the food.  I can see why people in Portugal live longer.  Food is fresh and with minimal salt and seems much more organic than the organic food in the U.S.  

We ate well and inexpensively. Most expensive dinner was like 70 euros for 2 with alcoholic drinks.

Our favorite restaurants 
- Cuica Restaurante at Oura beach. Had lunch and dinner here   The grilled fresh sea as from the ocean was divine.  Here is my google review. 
- o Zuca - a local restaurant in old town on a quiet alleyway behind the old town square.  Their chicken soup with veggie was 2 euros and I could have had that for lunch.  We also had grilled sea bream.  Only 30 euro for lunch for 2. 
- ristorante pizzeria de la mare.  Omg amazing Italian food and stunning views of the ocean for jaime birthday dinner. 
- stew and more. 4 min walk from our hotel and highly rated on TripAdvisor.  My review here.
- Cuica terrace lounge for drinks was also amazing.  Great dj music and stunning view of the sea.  Lovely fruity drinks with gin and rum.  

We also ate at Vivaldo's. Great view and appetizers.  The fish and shrimp kebab was a bit dry though.  Great presentation though 

We ate at Caliptos bar for lunch as well. Super cheap. 6 euros for a veggie breakfast of eggs hash brown etc and a great chicken salad for 8 euros. 

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Great boat tour in Albufeira Portugal

This is the number 1 recommended activity and we loved it.  Fast boat, small group, dolphins, caves, ocean swim on a perfect day of 82 degrees.  Great way to spend 2.5 hours and then eat delicious all fruit popsicle at the marina after.  

Our 4 nights in Albufeira Portugal

Albufeira is the largest beach town in the Algarve region of Portugal. After just a 3 hour bus ride from Lisbon, we are in albufeira. It's also about 40 min from the Faro airport.

We got here on a wed and left on Sunday. I selected this town as its known for its beaches and its partying. There are two areas for partying - the strip and old town. Both were impressively large for all the restaurants bars and nightclubs.

Old town is way better for anyone over 25 years old. The strip was almost sensory overload as every bar was blaring their music and you can see barely 20 year olds getting drunk. Like a block away from strip it's all quiet so we were super surprised by the amount of music coming out of each bar and conflicting with each other. There were a few bars with live music and one with a singer but majority was dj music and tons of very young people. We walked through it on two nights but only stopped at the outdoor arcade and the gyro place at the end of the strip. Chicken gyro was soooo good for 7 euro. 😋

Our hotel was between the strip and old town so an Uber was 4-6 euros either way. We stayed at grand muthu forte du vale. It was okay. I wouldn't stay there again as the room is more like a barely 3 star hotel. MGM Muthu hotels overall should be avoided in future.

Old town is by a large beach and very hilly. We liked it much better as there was more live music and mix of all ages. Restaurants and bars in many alleyways. And an old town square where kids and oldies all hung out. We danced a bit at the square and upstairs at one bar. We looked for places that wasn't too crowded and wore our masks still. We were like the only ones but we felt safer that way.

We went to three beaches. There is one 10 min walk from our hotel, and one at the end of the strip which I wrote about and love and one attached to old town which also looked pretty good.

Overall loved our stay. Not a place yet for us to spend more than a week but would definitely want to visit again or visit one of the other 10 beach towns in Algarve region. Beautiful place, awesome food and friendly people.

Saturday, July 16, 2022

A perfect beach day in Albufeira

We got up at 11am. I slept like 9+ hours which already is a good day. Then hubby and I got "reacquainted" which is always a great way to start any day. 😋😬 Going on vacation without the kids is like going on our honeymoon again.

We took a short Uber for lunch by the beach. I think Praia du Oura is my favorite beach in albufeira Portugal as it's smaller and has a great backdrop of some rock formations. I was craving a burger, something simple. We had a table by the sea and had our simple lunch but also had fish soup which was amazing and melon for dessert which was super sweet

We paid 15 euros for two chairs and an umbrella at the front row of chairs facing the ocean and just hung out, including a swim in the ocean to cool off, a shower to rinse. We also got fresh juice, slushy and a crepe with Nutella during our 4 hours there

At six o'clock we went to the terrace lounge for some drinks and to see the view. The strawberry gin, passion fruit mojito and coconut frozen daiquiri we're delicious.

We ended with dinner at the same place as lunch as we loved it so much. Cuica restaurant. They bring in fresh fish everyday and the service was so nice. We chose the grilled seabass from the ocean and not farmed. Divine as they grill it over charcoal with just some sea salt. Octopus salad was also super fresh and good.

By the time we Uber home to pack it was 10pm. What a relaxing day and it was a perfect 81 degrees all day with the ocean breeze🤗

Friday, July 15, 2022

Favorite parts of Lisbon

It's our first visit to Lisbon. Well, mine and for jaime since 28 years ago.

We stayed four nights and had a nice overview of the city. It's very hilly. Glad our friend told us about this so we brought tennis shoes and low heels with rubber soles so we can walk around all the pebbles side walks. 15k+ steps a day.

Our favorite restaurants were
- A Nossa casa - must email to get reservation in advance. Husband wife owner with great attention to service and food details. 
- Peixola - bar based seating only very social and met a young couple from Switzerland.
- Lost n for lunch. Our friends Clifton and Amber took us there. Beautiful view of Lisbon and had a nice lunch. Hubby loved his shrimp coconut stew dish.
- restaurant just by our hotel forgot the name but had fresh grilled sardines and sea bream
So good with some wine for 30 euro only

Hotel - stayed in Bairro alto - heart of bars and restaurants at a place called Raw Culture Arts and Lofts. My review here: 700 sq ft with king bed and kitchen and 3 half baths. Shower was strong. Bed was so comfy and fresh free breakfast made to order daily. It was 5 stars all around. Only downside was Uber cannot go into the blocked alley where it resides. Need to walk like 100 ft to get Uber or Bolt.

Tours - did two tours
- 3 hr tuk tuk private tour that covered all the spots including Belem
- sunset cruise which was nice and relaxing with unlimited wine. A little on the boring side but was very pretty.

We only went into two churches - church of markets near us and church of camos which is in ruins from 1755 big earthquake and tsunami

Portuguese custard tart is everywhere. We loved the one at the original pastry shop in Belem. Short line and ate them while they were warm. Who knew the Chinese egg tart is actually originated from Portugal. I think I like the Portuguese one better as the crust is more filo and airy.

The best bar we went to was the Park bar that is on top of a parking garage with gorgeous view of the city. The couple we met from Peixola told us about it and we went with them to hang out. Would have never found it otherwise.

What we didn't like as much
- timeout market. Too hot and crowded as Lisbon was 100 degrees each day
- silk club - pretentious and overpriced. View was great but the atmosphere was sterile and uppity
- cantinho do avillez restuarant. Rated well and food was good but service and atmosphere were amiss and a bit overpriced. Would not recommend.

I also wandered around for a few hours shopping while Jaime took a nap. Was fun just to walk around. Lisbon is beautiful and we barely just started exploring it in our 5 day stay.

Everything is a bit cheaper than San Francisco even in the most popular part of town and food is delicious. We will be back to Lisbon for another day on our way back to the us on July 28. Will do a bit more exploring.

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Isabel Soccer Trip Raffle Result & Thank You

From Isabel Lapena

In five days, I leave to go on my big trip!  I'm happy to share that I was able to raise $980 out of my $1000 goal.  The raffle drawing happened July 1 - I'm sad to say that none of my patrons won.  

However I wanted to thank all the following people for their support of my big soccer trip to Denmark and Sweden July 9-25.

  • Uncle Shai & Auntie Rain
  • Uncle Louis & Auntie Michelle
  • Auntie Shari
  • Auntie Tiffany
  • Uncle Roy & Auntie Em
  • Lao Lao & Lao Ye
  • Bita & Bito
  • Uncle Nel
  • Uncle Thomas & Auntie Marilyn
  • Auntie Jennifer
  • Uncle Don
Thank you so much for helping me.  I am so excited for this journey with my team.  I will share more when I return. 

Isabel Lapena 

Gothia Cup

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Please Support Isabel to Go to Europe for the Gothia Cup

From Isabel

I am going to Europe for soccer! It's an opportunity of a lifetime and I am super excited. I am writing to ask for your support.

My team and I will first go to Denmark for the Cup One tournament, and then Sweden for the world’s largest youth soccer competition – The Gothia Cup (35,000 competitors from 80 countries).

To help prepare for my Europe journey, I am doing daily 2-hour training for four weeks straight.  I need your help!  I aim to raise $1000 for this trip and I am at $630 to date. I’d be super appreciative of any size donation you can make to help me cover part of the costs of my European soccer trip.

To support me to go to Eurotour, you can either send your donation via

For every $10 you donate before July 1, you’ll be entered into a drawing to win an iPad Air, Apple Watch 7 or AirPods. I will send updates of the drawing after July 1 and of my trip when I return.

Thank you so much!  Love,

Isabel Lapena

Friday, April 29, 2022

Full Day 2 in new york

We took the train to time square and was pleasantly surprised to first see Bryant park
- we took photos with backdrop of Empire State Building
- bought lunch at a nearby Vietnamese food truck and found a table in the sun
- then I played ping pong at the free table in the park. So fun with some locals. Just rallied

Then we walked to time square. Didn't disappoint still larger than life. Highlight wasn't actually photos with character. It was the warm glazed krispy crème donuts. So good

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Isabel finds out her high school admission results

From late October through thanksgiving.  Isabel and we worked on her high school applications to Saint Ignatius and Sacred Heart Cathedral. It was hard core.  Essays for parents and Isabel.  Videos to record and an interview with SI plus getting recommendations for her. 

Friday March 18, she found out the results.  her hard work paid off and she got into both school.  SI shared they had 1340 applicants and they accepted I think 25% or about 375 including isabel.  SHC didn’t share totals but told Isabel she is accepted with honors.  Still trying to figure out what that means.  For now just celebrating and making decisions quickly. 

We recorded her checking her results as it was done while she was with her soccer friends and live with us on FaceTime.   Sorry no sounds but plenty of expressions.

Friday, February 18, 2022

Isabel made this for her ice cream art

I am not sure how appetizing it is but wow is it vivid. 🥰 Look at that expression

Alexis designed her own emoji

So cute. She did this as part of her homework.