Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Family trip to Exploratorium

The Exploratorium is always a fun time for the kids.   We were even amazed by some of the things there and they change the exhibits all the time.  We only lasted 2 hours as we were hungry for lunch but the kids and my parents had fun exploring

Our first family home made dumpling party

Home made dumplings are the best. Unfortunately I never learned but since my parents in town, they taught us how to mix the sauce, roll the dough, and make the dumpling. They didn't all come out perfect, but the whole family got involved in making them, which was the fun part. We still have some left over for pot stickers. yay! Felt like old times when I was a kid in china over the holidays. Glad my kids got to experience it with my parents

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A busy Xmas with eating, gifts and more eating

My parents visited for 8 days and we ate well
  • Started with a nice Xmas eve dinner of home made ginger scallion crab, steam fish, sour cabbage soup + cheesecake etc..
  • Jaime's parents brought yummy milk fish and chicken for Xmas day dinner
  • We made dumplings from scratch on Friday Dec 26.
I am probably gained 3 lbs already but it was worth it.  Then of course, kids love all the gifts they got from us and Santa.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Holiday Visits to the Discovery Kingdom

My parents were visiting for Xmas.  We took them to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom since we had season passes and they had special holiday in the park

  • Giant snow globe that you can go in
  • Snow sledding - faster than I thought
  • Dolphin show which was my parents favorite
  • Yummy hot chocolate
  • Looney Tones Xmas show
  • Christmas tree lighting.  
  • and more...
It was fun although got cold at night.  We got there at 2:30 and left around 6:30.  

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Alexis is 3 - Birthday Video

Time really flies.  Alexis is already 3.  Thanks to Agnes. Here is a Happy Birthday video for Alexis turning 3 on Dec 15, 2014

Monday, December 15, 2014

Happy Birthday - My Baby Lexi

Dear Ling Ling,

Happy Happy Birthday! 3 years ago today and right now, you were born to delight us all.   You are a bundle of sweetness.   I can't believe you are already 3 years old. It's awesome and somewhat sad at the same time. You are growing up so fast. It's amazing to see so many sides of your personality - the making of an actress perhaps. :-)

You have learned so much so quickly

  • You are a puzzle princess (I am in awe of how much you love your puzzles, especially the 100 piece princess one) 
  • You are a constant charmer, especially when we say no - you just get more charming. What are we going to do with you? I think you know it works so well on us - clever girl
  • You are a little ballerina.  I know you love your tutu class. You look so cute in the outfits and doing your moves
  • You already know your alphabet and can count in English and Chinese.
  • You are ..
  • You are...
Mommy can go on, but most of all, you are my baby no matter how old you get.  Mommy will always be here for you - to listen, to learn, to comfort, to guide, to hug you.  I hope you will always be curious, be sweet, be charming, be sassy, be confident, be bold, be loving, and most of all be happy.  I hope you will always choose to talk to mommy about what's going on in your life.  No matter what it is, I am here for you.

It's so nice to see you and Isabel play together.  I know you fight every other minute but I can see how much you love each other.  I am so glad you can have each other in your lives.

Sometimes I feel like time is just flying by and you are grown overnight.  I guess that's life in general.  As much as I want to keep you small, I am so happy to see you thriving and loving life.  I am glad I can witness all these great little moments in your life as you grow.
  • When you yell "Bingo" after playing the new Bingo game you got for your birthday
  • When you sing "Let it go" on the top of your lungs
  • When you eyes light up on the mention of gummies or chocolate
  • When you want my hair to hold on to when you sleep
  • When you look at me and then deliberately burst out crying to get what you want (it's so cute and it's hard for me to stay really stern with you)
  • When you come up to me and hold my face to say I love you or to kiss me 
  • When you speak Chinese back - how you learn so fast
  • When you look at me to say "Can I suck my thumb?"
  • When you are grumpy when I wake up too early from your nap
  • When you say "mommy"
  • When you fight back your sister who is picking on you 
  • When you say 'Hiya" to mimic the karate
  • When you ask for a "piggy back ride" but really want a horsey ride
  • When you ask to sit with me and then ask for my phone (very calculated of you)
I wish you all the joy and laughter in life.  May you always try everything and have a positive outlook on life, think best of others, and have great friends and experiences.  

I love you!!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

a Very Happy Birthday Party for Alexis - turning 3

Alexis had a wonderful birthday celebration today with friends and family. We held it at the new waterfront playground by our apartment.

Many thanks to Agnes who made much of the food from scratch - fruit tray, Mediterranean food platter, cake pops.  Also she found some cool games for the kids like darts, golf, loop ring etc...   The customized M&M with Lexi's face on it was a huge hit.   Agnes found that too on Groupon.   The kids couldn't get enough of it.  Also thank goodness North Beach pizza was open early on Sunday for us to order delivery.   Pizza was delicious.

Lexi had a blast on her birthday with her friends.    Many thanks to everyone who could make it to her birthday
  • Mom and Dad 
  • Deidre, Nadia, Sophia, Deidre's dad
  • Lorraine, Jake, Jeff by FaceTime
  • Rain, Shai, Ronen
  • Roger, Wan, Mira, Rya
  • Brett, Sloane
  • Gary, Roe, John, David
  • Sally, Serena
  • Ranee, Ellie
  • of course Agnes and Jaime for setting everything up and cleaning up at the end.
Here are the photos and videos.  We slept for 2 hours after that because we were so tired.  Then went to our favorite local restaurant for a birthday dinner.  Alexis got her favorite Mac N Cheese and then free ice creams as dessert.  Lastly, she opened her presents from friends and family even though we said no gifts.  It's really good she didn't expect anything and was just happy to rip open wrapping paper.


Saturday, December 6, 2014

Isabel karate test

Isabel had the first half of her green belt test today. Next year is the second half. She was fantastic and worked really hard. We are so proud of her. She is still one of the two most senior students.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Alexis and Isabel's ballet photos

Alexis and isabel both started ballet classes at TuTu school in San Francisco. They had a little photos shoot and here are some of the photos

Saturday, November 29, 2014

A very happy thanksgiving

Thank you Roy and Em for hosting and cooking such delicious food and mom and dad for taking some wonderful photos. It was so nice festive and relaxing.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

A great Veterans Day off

We hosted Isabel's friend Hana for a whole day play date
- pump it up first
- lunch at sunflower
- shopping trip to best buy and office max to get the movie DVD
- watched how to train your dragon 2

We all had a blast and isabel other friend Mira and her dad roger also came to hang out. A great day

Saturday, November 1, 2014

End of season soccer party

Just came back from this. Isabel laughed, played and had pizza with her friends from the soccer team