Thursday, February 28, 2013

100 piece puzzle

Isabel still love her puzzle. We just got this one two days ago. She chose the design. As soon as she got it, she just sat down and started putting it together. No talking and total concentration. SHe has now already put it together by herself 3 times.

I decided to get her another 100 piece one. She again chose herself. This time a glitter puzzle with a horse and rainbows. She is so excited to get it.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Your day is not that bad

As compared to these people

Monday, February 25, 2013


What can I say, Lexi has a tough life!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Best Lexi photo

Although LingLing can't speak much yet, she has learned to charm is all with her expression. This is one of my favorite as she would bat her eyes and then I would do it back and then she would respond.

I finally was able to catch a photo of it. ;-)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Toy organizer

After 10 years, I finally parted ways with my coffee table and cleared out room for these fabulous toy organizers from ikea. Look at how much more room there are.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Best Smoothie ever

organic soy milk, banana, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries. Yummy!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

American Idol - watch out. Here comes Isabel

I take Isabel to breakfast twice a week at the coffee house (Starbucks). We play games and draw and do art. Well, on morning she was so happy she decided to break out into song in the middle of the coffee house full of people. Lexi loves watching this video of Isabel

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Russian Hills Academy - Dec 2012

Isabel just absolutely love this school. Head teacher Jiali loves her too. see slideshow of her photos in Dec 2012

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Walking with Cart and Laughing

Alexis loves walking with her shopping cart. Here she is walking and laughing

Friday, February 15, 2013

Alexis loves breakfast

I took this a month ago where she is standing, dancing and eating breakfast at the same time. talented girl!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Biker girls

Alexis dancing to Music on TV

Sleeping beauties

Isabel is a true lapena as she falls asleep on top of daddy while watching basketball.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Haiya - Lingling's karate chop

Since she has seen Isabel at Karate, Lingling loves to say Haiya and even mimicks the motion of a chop or a kick. so cute. see this video.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Two Very Brave Little Patients

Both Alexis and Isabel had high fever this past week. At least it was not both at the same time. First it was Alexis - her fever went over 105 at night. It was scary for us but she was such a brave little girl. Let us wipe her down with cold cloth. Took her medicine. Took test to rule out Flu or UAT. It ended with a rash after the fever so we knew she had Roseola - a common flu with high fever and rash for 1 year old. Isabel got the flu last Friday, a few days after Alexis recovered. She got it more likely from school as her best friend Weston there was sick all week. She was also a trooper and since she can communicate, it was easier to figure out what's going on with her. Her fever topped at 103.8 but she threw up a few times and had bad sore throat. She is almost recovered though. Crossing our fingers, no one will get sick anytime soon. Lei

Alexis loves Peekaboo

Happy year of the snake - 新年快乐 2013

We had a delicious dinner at Hunan homes with some neighbors. Here are photos and videos.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Lexi's Mohawk

Check out that hair!!! :-)

Saturday, February 9, 2013

A successful cleanse for Jaime, agnes and em

This is a belated post since they did a 4 day cleanse in late jan. jaime lost 6 pounds. Agnes lost 3 and em didn't check but probably about the same. This is a pic I took on their final day of the cleanse.

Since then jaime has not eaten much meat or drink much alcohol. Same with agnes. Congrats!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Yoga day 5,6, and 7

Day 5 - I didn't want to do yoga today. Mentally I thought I might faint. I slept very poorly since LingLing was sick. Aunt flow decided to visit at 10am this morning so I felt drained. Surprisingly class was great. Temp was just right and I actually felt awesome after class. It was as if my body actually craved the yoga to relieve any discomfort I was feeling. 2 more days to go.

Day 6: first 40 min of yoga was grinding as aunt flow is in full effect. But my body adjusted and the rest of class was great

Day 7: left work at 4 to take the 430 class. Looking forward to having dinner and family time again this evening to celebrate finishing 7 days. ... I did it!!! Excited almost anticlimactic. If I had the time, I would probably keep going. I wonder if my body will miss it tomorrow.

Off to my other adventures ... Ice skating, improv class - yikes, flash mob!!


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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Lexi eating with Big mouth

When alexis loves something, she opens her mouth real wide. We were able to catch it on video. She is eating Tofu tacos with tomatoes and avocado without the shell.

Go Niners!!

Thanks Ninong Louie for this shirt - just in time for the Super Bowl.

Over the hump - yoga day 4

Today it's much harder. I didn't want to get up this morning. Body is sore but I am on the bus. Today is over the hump day 4 - so I am looking forward to being more than half way done.

Sunday morning at 745 is quiet - a whole different world in sf.
I survived. ;-). Feel pretty good.
- Room was packed - guess everyone wants to exercise prior I Super Bowl. Go Niners!
- My thick towel means extra hot yoga. Lessons learned. Run out of thin ones since I am doing yoga daily
- so far muscles feel good. First forward bent was quite tough but it got better
- had a fresh coconut afterwards HEAVENLY!!!
- tomorrow class will be 8pm so I actually get 34 hours rest. Yeepy

Sunday is off to a good start. Now I have two bday parties and a Super Bowl to go to. Haha


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Saturday, February 2, 2013

Picture of the day

Bikram yoga day 3

It's 7:42 on Saturday morning and I am on the bus on my way to yoga. My muscles are actually tingling with excitement.

I thought I would have a hard time waking up this morning but just the opposite. Since I knew I had class, I woke up at 430, 6, 630 each time happy I could sleep a little more. Then at 655 I woke up again 3 min before my alarm. Good thing because I forgot my alarm was only set for weekdays. ;-)

I had a soy milk banana and berries shake for breakfast and off I am on the bus. I know the first few poses will be hard as I am sore and the body is stiff in the morning. Will let you know how it goes after class.
It's 9:55am. Bus 1 is packed with Cantonese people heading to Chinatown. I go to funky door yoga on Polk so the bus passes right through Chinatown. At least it's only a 10 min ride. Can't beat the convenience. With my calm from class, I smile as other passengers talks loudly in Cantonese to each other. C'est la vie

Class was great. Both of my favorite teacher was there. Ryan (a girl) was teaching and Mark was taking the class along with one other teacher. I was really stiff in the first two postures but was surprised to relax by midway and still really do a deep class. By the time I laid on the floor 60 min in to do the floor series I knew I can make it through. I also learn something about one posture I never knew we before. That was quite helpful.

I had a pear after class. It was delicious. I will be back again tomorrow at 8am. ;-). Saturday is off to a great start!


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Friday, February 1, 2013

7 days of Yoga

Since I want to make 2013 all about new experiences, I decided that one of them is doing bikram yoga 7 days straight and see how I feel.  I had done bikram for 8 years now but never more than 3 times a week and never even two days in a row. 

I just wanted to see how I feel. I just finished day 2 and so far so good.  Day 2 class started out rough as I was a little sore but by the 8th posture, my body got into it and now I feel pretty relaxed.  A fresh coconut after class also helped.  

Tomorrow will be rough as I am planning to go at 8 am.  Wish me luck. :-).   If you want to see a full list of 75 experiences on my wish list, go to this link. Let me know if you have suggestions on any other experiences.  

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Lingling Knows Lao Lao

Lingling has been learning from Agnes the word "Lao Lao" and "Lao Ye" which means grandma and grandpa in Chinese. Agnes would hold a picture up of "Lao lao" or "Lao ye" and say the words. Well "Lao Ye" is still pretty tough for Lingling but she knows and can say "Lao Lao" when we hold up a photo. see this video - pretty cool (considering she still doesn't call me "mama" :-()