Happy New Year! One of the biggest things I learned this year is: with two kids, I have to give up getting everything done on time or at all. So what's meant to be a Xmas letter is now a Happy new year letter. Better late than never, right? :-)
2012 has been an exciting year as ever. With Ling Ling born in Dec last year, we had our hands full just integrating her into the family. While Isabel loves her little sister, sometimes, she can love her too much (when she tries to pick up or feed her crackers yikes, or hug her too hard). All in all though, we survived.
Alexis has developed quite a personality. She is a pretty mellow kid in general,a good sleeper and loves to smile a lot. Her signature move is the princess wave which accompanied by a big smile has melt many hearts. Don't get her mad though. On the rare occasions where she is mad, she has a booming, heart-wrenching cry. She has 4 teeth now, weights about 20 pounds, height 30 inches. She hasn't started walking yet but she can crawl really fast. She LOVES food and will pretty much eat anything (so far no allergies! YEAH!)
Isabel has grown into quite a creative, expressive little girl.
- By expressive, I really mean non-stop talking in the house, in the car, walking on the street, anywhere including with friendly strangers on muni. She has made a friend, Victoria in Paris whose dad is our neighbor. They talk by Facetime a lot and it's so cute to hear her conversations. She also made many friends from school and all her social activities.
- Isabel has a keen fashion sense and the ultimate girl - not sure where she gets that from. I was a tom boy and liked to climb tree when I was 4. She loves everything princess. Luckily she also has just as much fun getting herself dirty in the sand at the beach.
- Isabel loves to read and learn. She thinks reading to her is as fun as watching TV. She voluntarily does Math with me in Chinese and she has taken on the 100 piece puzzle. It's amazing to watch her mind soak up all the information and figure things out. Isabel is pretty fluent now in Mandarin. Even my parents were impressed.

Jaime made it through a year in the corporate machine - SalesForce who bought the startup, desk.com, he