Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Isabel at Fairyland

Isabel loves Fairyland - especially the music box

Monday, August 30, 2010

What a little dancer!

Isabel has taken dancing to a whole new level. Not sure where she learned all these moves, but they are good! Enjoy! I laugh every time. What a cutie!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Isabel loved the petting zoo

The SF library had a temp. petting zoo a few weeks ago and Isabel had a blast.


Friday, August 20, 2010

Kunming and LiJiang - Yunnan Province China

I am so glad I scheduled 5 days in Yunnan Province. The weather was a nice 70-75 degrees compared to 95+ in Tianjin and I got a chance to hang out with my cousin - who is basically my older sister. I miss her even now.

- Lei

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

More family in Beijing + some site seeing

I stayed with my dad in Beijing since he had a suite. Went to Olympic garden with my uncle, Tiananmen square and national Opera house with my cousin. Of course some more street food and also big banquet family gathering.

I saw my great-uncles - 84 and 81 years old and sstill very healthy as well as Isabel's cousins - Emma 4 years old and David 2 years old. Four generations at one table. It was nice to see so much family. I also saw my cousin - Guao Nan who I haven't seen in over 10 years and my other cousins Zhao Ying and Zhao Peng, whom I haven't seen since my wedding 3 years ago.

all together a wonderful trip!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My large family in Tianjin - China

finally photos with my family in Tianjin - China

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Birthday party for Ellie and also hanging out with Lauren

Isabel is such a big girl now and so friendly with her friends. She is very generous with her kisses and hugs. See for yourself.

It's winter in sf

I know I said I won't complain about the weather after humid and 90 degrees in china.  But come on - high in mid 50s in aug is extreme.  No wonder mark twain says the coldest winter he spent was a summer in sf.

I guess global warming is catching up with us.  It's too hot in some places and too cool in others.  Remember to recycle and carpool as at this rate,  it will 10 degrees in the summer in 50 years.  Ugh


-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Lao ye visits Isabel - July 2 2010

On my way to China, my dad was able to visit Isabel for 5 hours and they had a lot of fun playing at the park. Laoye is Chinese for grand pa on the mother's side.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Food, food and more food

One of the biggest reason to go to china was for all the yummy food - street food especially was cheap. I was prepared to gain 5 pounds and brought tums, acid reducer and diarrhea pills but nothing was going to stop me from eating everything.

Well, I fared pretty well. Probably I walked a lot and the humidty, I actually lost a pound and 1% body fat. I had to take 3 acid reducer over two weeks but that's it.

I had a tons of mangosteen, watermelon, papaya, mangoes plus 3 meals a day + snack. here are all my food photos. Enjoy!

- Lei