Friday, August 28, 2009

Tongue Action

I just can't resist. This collage is too cute. Enjoy!

From Collages

- Lei

Monday, August 24, 2009

Visting the Windy City - Chicago

Jaime and I wanted to do a quick vacation before he starts his new job on Thursday, so we went to Chicago for a long weekend to visit Emily (Jaime's sister), Gabrielle (her six month old baby - our new niece), and Roy (Em's hubby). We had a blast! Chicago is a beautiful city and the weather was perfect.

Best times remembered
  • Meeting our adorable niece, Gabrielle (Boomzy). She is such a sweet baby and such big brown eyes. Pretty easy going and smells so good. We had a lot of fun playing with her for 4 days (although I missed Isabel terribly as I have never been away from her this long)
  • Going to Jazz Fest by Wrigley Field and then a micro-brewery for blueberry beer, bratwurst & chips, and fried pickles.
  • Taking a beautiful 90 min. boat tour of Chicago architecture - perfect 80 degree weather
  • Smoke's pulled pork and two kinds of smoked ribs - Smokes was featured on Triple D - Food networks "Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives"
  • Home-made Shrimp soup with Simquat and noodles Friday night - it was awesome and so perfect after our long flight - Roy's mom made it. We didn't even see her that night, but I got the recipe (sort of) on Sunday and will try it at home. Like Jaime's parents, she couldn't tell me how much of each sauce she put in. I guess good food is always done without recipes. We will see how I do.
  • Millenium park - giant silver "bean" - weirdly huge reflective mirror with all different perspective. You will have to see the photos.
  • Late night walk to Chris and Ricky's 29th bday party at North Side Cafe. We left around 1am (only 11am SF time) from Emily's house. She lives only 3 blocks from a main street full of restaurants, stores, and bars.
  • Great grilled chicken and tomato/basil salad that Roy made on Monday night - a whole chicken was only $1.99 from Shop and Save - Roy's favorite store and tomatoes and basil grown from his own garden on the deck. How cool is that!
  • CPK but in a fast food format - we had great salads.
  • Enjoying "I love you, man" at home with Jaime, Em and Roy.
  • Realizing that I now have 5 siblings - a nice change for an only child. Em is my wonderful sister in law. Roy is her husband and now my brother in law and he has two brothers (Ricky and Chris) and a sister (Cindy). Very cool for me!
All in all a great trip!

- Lei

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Getting ready to do laundry

Isabel is starting early. She helps with laundry every Wednesday. Such a good girl!

- Lei

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Loves the slide and the swing

We went to this outdoor concert in Redwood city and there was a huge playground for little kids. Isabel tried the swing and slide for the first time and loves both.

- Lei

Playing at the courtyard

This courtyard is on the 3rd floor in the back of our building. She loves running around here and play hide and seek. enjoy the video

- Lei

Eating Banana on Her Own

Isabel loves bananas. We have been feeding her with a spoon, but last week we saw a kid her age eating a banana on her own by just holding it. So we thought we try that. She took to it very well and boy can she eat a banana. Enjoy!

Happy eating the banana during the concert!

- Lei

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

First class at the Library

We rediscover the wonder of the public library - free books, free DVDs, free baby singing classes. This is the first one Isabel attended @ the Mission Bay Library. She loves the shaker.

- Lei

The petting zoo

First encounter with animals. The petting zoo @ Webb Ranch. We also went to pick strawberries. Isabel was fascinated

- Lei

First Merry-Go-Around ride

First Merry-Go-Around ride @ Pier 39

- Lei

Isabel's new moves

Dancing holding mommy's purse (Calle Ocho music). Soooo cute...

- Lei

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Poor Bunny

Isabel was playing with the (jumping)bunny @ Jeannie and Hans'. She kicked the bunny, picked it up and held it at it's ear. She made it bounce up and down but she's banging it hard on the floor. Just heck of funny...

Although my laugh in there sounds pretty disturbing to me...

Walking around at Carl's Jr

Walking around, we were at Carl's Jr. Mommy and Daddy were sold by the burger commercial.

- Lei