Friday, July 31, 2009

Isabel's little spot

Two pairs of adult tennis shoes: $88 total
One pair of kid size 6 Puma shoes: $43
The look on Isabel's face every time she wears them: Priceless!

We bought these shoes 10 days ago. I originally was against paying too much for kid's shoes since she will grow out of them so soon.

Her first pair of sandals was only $8 but they are not really great for walking or cold weather. So we went to Nordstoms 10 days ago to look around. They had quite a selection.

We put this pair on Isabel and the shoes sold themselves. She was so happy trotting around in them. $43 was worth every penny. Besides, unlike adults that may have dozens of pairs of shoes. She will probably only have 1 or 2 at a time. In that case, it's pretty worth it.

We smile every time she wears them, which is also priceless. Now when she sees us about to go out, she would go grab her shoes and try to put them on herself. It's so cute.

- Lei

Thursday, July 23, 2009

When In Doubt

- go to Bikram yoga (great for headaches, stress release, exercise, and a calming mind) and dance classes
- talking to someone or several people (very cathartic to just vent or share. Amazing how many people are in the same boat. Helps me realize it's not such a big issue - many go through it)
- distract myself (go shopping, go dancing, go to a new music group for Isabel, watch a funny movie, do anything different from routine, also gives my analytic brain a rest)
- color (well this is more clear for "sex and the city" movie fans. I won't elaborate, but it's great for curing headaches and tense muscles :-) )
- let it take its course (life is about rhythms. There is always up and downs, but just remember whatever it is it will pass)
- remember it's ok to have flaws (not the end of the earth or a major issue. It's just insecurities)
- forget about it (don't try so hard to fix it - instead go do something fun and forget about it. The mind and the body have a natural way of working itself out)
- don't get attached to the result (just enjoy the journey, if it doesn't work out, try something else. don't force it)

So why am I writing this list? well, it's really to remind myself to read it when I am down or stuck in something negative. I have had trouble sleeping in the last week and had a headache (no more) pretty much for that long. Mostly due to silly insecurities and an overly analytical mind. Jaime and I have been working a lot on our business ideas. So I have been thinking day and night about them. Guess I haven't let my mind rest for the last few weeks and it's so tired that it forgot how to stop thinking.

At first, I tried so hard to fix it - fix my sleeping, fix my headache. I guess I am a problem solver. Well, it just made it (headache and trouble sleeping) worse - trying too hard is not always the answer. Now I am trying other things (list above). so far so good. :-)

Enjoying life with all its up and downs. ;-)

- Lei
p.s: I wrote this last night and went to sleep at 11:45pm. Fell asleep right away. I already had a back up plan to get up and read my Chinese karate book if I didn't. I was actually looking forward to it. I guess I was no longer attached to falling asleep and that's when it happened. I slept until 8am. :-) Life's lessons are sometimes hard but good to learn.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Purse Snatcher

The latest game Isabel got into is imitating mommy. She apparently realized that mommy has a lot of purses as I switch them based on outfit. I would put them on and then check the mirror to see how they look.

I then sometimes leaves my purses by the bookcase or on the table so I can use them again that week. Either way, she has managed to snatch them quick and often. These two are her latest favorites - one from Tita Tusa for my bday and one I got from LA. She would put them on and then walk to the mirror and look at herself. It's so cute until you try to take them away from her. C'est la vie. I guess I have to share my purses now and also watch what I do as I don't know what she will imitate next. Watch out for yours when you come and visit!

- Lei

Monday, July 13, 2009

A Happy Life

A Happy Life - by Wayland Henry
To live with purpose
To say the courageous thing
To celebrate the simple gift
To follow your dreams
This is a happy life
This was one the front of my bday card from Jaime. I just loved it and wanted to share. I had a great bday overall. Jaime and Agnes conspired and surprised me with two gifts as well - a sports jacket from Nike (I love it - light and functional) and a necklace and earring set with a locket (Agnes put isabel's pictures in it already). I was so surprised. They managed to do this without me noticing, which explains all the unexpected outings they had while I was at work. Sneaky sneaky.. I really appreciate it. Overall, a great bday.
- Lei

Friday, July 10, 2009

Cute Video to Share

This is just too cute. have to share

- Lei

Monday, July 6, 2009

Isabel's first words

You would think it would be mama or dada. Well, she definitely have said those words, although I don't think she knows what they mean. Now that she is 14 months old, she is beginning to articulate words where she knows the meaning.

Her first word is (drum roll please!) "Hieee." In the morning, when I wake up, she would run to me and say "Hieee." When I come back from work, she would run to me, wrap her arms around my leg and say "Hieee." When we are out and she sees another baby or toddler close to her age, she would smile say "Hieee." A very social baby!

Other than that, she also learned to shake her head to mean "I don't want." We are still trying to teach her mama and dada, although it's ok she hasn't learned it. She is smart. Imagine when she learns it and she can scream it out when she is unhappy or want something and it will be much harder to ignore her.

It's so fun to watch her learn all this.

- Lei