Monday, April 28, 2008

A Perfect Day - April 26, 2008

It was almost 80 degrees this past Saturday in San Francisco. Everyone was out and about including us.

I finally got a chance to wear the hat I bought from Vegas and the top from Japanese Weekend Maternity. Don't I look cute? I thought so. I am sure my baby thought so too :-)

We had a glorious morning. After Jaime came back from Judo, we walked to the Ferry Building for some sun and breakfast. We decided to graze and people watch instead of doing a long meal somewhere. First, we stopped by the Ranch Grill for a delicious hamburger (we shared) and sat by the picnic tables to watch all the farmer market goers. There were tons of people with babies. We were commenting to each other on the all the strollers and different carriers we saw. Amazing what we notice when we are having a baby soon. Many strangers also asked us about my due date and wished us well.

Then we were off the Japanese deli in the building for some potato croquettes and also got some pastries on the way for later. The Noe Valley bakery has these amazing sticky buns and another one has this great cheese scone that Jaime loves. Definitely a very food centric day.

After the Japanese deli, we were thinking about getting a salad to finish our grazing and then heading home when we bumped into our lovely neighbor Marilyn. She said she was meeting our other friend, Sharman, for lunch at Epic at noon. I always wanted to check out Epic, so she invited us and we decided to crash the lunch. Epic is a high end roasthouse that just opened a few months ago along the Embarcadero.

Epic was a long walk for me since I was wearing heels but I made it and it was a beautiful walk along the water. Jaime and I haven't walked there in ages. We noticed that thankfully the ugly mother and child rustic iron sculpture is finally take away and replaced by a giant spider sculpture that is surprisingly much more artistic than scary.

Brunch at Epic was a real treat. Not only did we get a great booth facing the spectacular view of the Bay and the Bay Bridge, but the food was delicious. Jaime and Sharman both had these amazing blue cornmeal waffles, while Marilyn had a gourmet burger and I got the Steak salad I was craving. Everything was picture perfect and to top it all off, we had a very charming 23-year old waiter with the cutest smile and great manners. I guess it doesn't hurt that Marilyn is already a regular at Epic so we probably got better treatment than usual :-).

I contemplated taking a cab back since we have been out for 4 hours by now, but the sun was so nice, we decided to walk back SLOWLY... It was a great choice. I love feeling the sun on my way-too-white shoulders and arms and we all chatted some more. It was almost 3pm by the time we got home. Just the right time for a nap for me.

Our perfect day continued after a 90 min nap with a very smooth trip to Babies r Us (we returned stuff and got more stuff we needed for the baby) and a delicious dinner at Park Chow in the Sunset (I had the butter lettuce salad with green goddess dressing and Jaime had the Ono and we finished with their famous ginger cake)

All in all, this has been one of my favorite days in 2008. ;-)

- Lei

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