Sunday, April 27, 2008

Detailed Responses: Pro Private Cord Blood Banking

Since the GGMG moms were kind enough to respond in detail to my inquiry for advice around whether to cord blood bank or not, I thought I store their individual responses here. I received 9 responses out of 13 that were in favor of doing private cord blood banking.

Response 1. We did decide to bank our baby's cord blood. We did some research and went with Cord Blood Registry--mostly on the advice of our OB who said that they are the most established and trustworthy. We did consider that we may be wasting the money on some kind of racket but the more I read (and have read since) the more I am relieved that we managed to scrape the money together for the down payment.

Response 2.

Here is a recent true story of how cord blood helped this little boy and there are many more out there

We did cord blood for our son. One reason is because I am asian and my husband is caucasian and if something were to happen to our son and they needed a match we would be his best bet as it's hard to find donors of mixed race.

Yes, I am happy with it. It's like buying insurance. Chances are you'll never need to use it, but in case you do I woulnd't have any regrets of not banking.

After research and talking with other mothers I choose cord blood Cord Blood Registry, 1200 Bayhill Drive, San Bruno, CA 888-261-4811 I was also told that if a member in your family needs it that it could help them.

As far as research you can just google 'cord blood' and you will get a plethora of information. I also called and spoke to them and asked specific questions like how long can they keep the cord blood for etc. The people at Cord Blood Registry are very informative and helpful. Not pushy at all.

Response 3
We did decide to do the cord blood. Our OB said it was like an expensive insurance policy you hope to never have to use. I felt like I had done too much reseach to not do it. We went with the Cord Blood Registry You can ask for George 1-800-588-6377 he was great in getting us all the info etc. CPMC was very open to doing it. I just brought the kit with us. They did some initial stuff when I was admitted and then my OB got the cord blood right after my daughter was born. In fact she did over an beyond what we needed so we have millions of cord blood cells stored. Yes it can help your baby, you your husband etc. Again I hope I never have to use it but am glad we did it. Feel free to contact me with any questions. If you call George just tell him that I sent you. He is great!

Response 4
A lot of evidence suggests that if your baby has something wrong that cord blood would help, he or she would not be able to use their own cord blood, as physicians think there might be diseased cells in there as well. That being said, you could use cord blood from a sibling or cousin, so if you're planning on having more kids, it's a good idea for that reason. Basically we see it as an insurance policy. If we never need it: great! If we do need it: we'll be really glad we did it. We use Family Cord Blood services, because at the time we did it, it was the least expensive of the reputable cord blood banks. I'm sure we could get you a discount certificate if you decide (after researching) to go with them.

Response 5
There is a website that I think is called that might help you. My husband and I are both doctors, and this is our take: - there's not a lot of hard evidence that it has lots of uses - it could be useful for the baby, mother, and (maybe) siblings, less likely father. - think about your specific case: for instance, if you or your husband is adopted and don't have knowledge or access to birth relatives. In our case, we have an unusual genetic combination, which would make it hard for our son to have bone marrow or tisue matches from the the general population (God forbid), so we've elected to do it for both of our children. There are a lot of strong, politicised opinions around private cord blood banking. I would encourage you to filter out the noise and focus on what is best for you and your family.

Response 6
1. We did not bank our first daughter's cord blood but did do our second's. The reason being during my first pregnancy there was not much info around about it (we were living in another country) and here there was so much info I thought of it as an insurance policy. And a big one, we could afford it - it is expensive if money is tight.
2. Yes as I just see it as an insurance policy that we hopefully
never need. I do feel a little guilty that I did not bank it for public use and am saving it for my family.
3. We went with CBR. They have been fantastic. I mainly went with
them as I got a discount coupon from a GGMG mother and all my research suggested that they are all fairly similar. The customer service I have received to date has been fantastic.
4. We did it this time after speaking with CBR and they sent me info
that the blood can generally be a match for siblings (not always) but we wanted to make sure our first child could potentially also benefit in need. If you call them, they will send you some info.
Google CBR, they are great. If I happen to get any discount vouchers in the next week or so, I will email you. Make sure you get a kit for whoever/if you choose from your OBGYN soon as you will need this to take to the hospital.

Response 7
I did cord blood banking for my second child and wish I had done it for my first. I went through CBR (Cord Blood Registry) and found them to be very professional, attentive, and kind. In researching companies, they had the largest customer base and a solid business model (you don't want to choose someone who will go out of business!). My reasons for banking my baby's cord blood were several. My daughter was diagnosed in utero with a congenital heart defect so I felt that any additional means of help we could give her would be so important. Also, I believe that we are on the cusp of many exciting advancements in biotechnology and keeping something like her cord blood could lead to improvements in her health many years from now. It is true that her cord blood could help other family members. As I recall, there is a 100% chance it could be used for me, and a 50% chance that it can be used for my son. Lastly, we do so much to take care of our kids health-isn't this a relatively inexpensive insurance plan that we could get great benefit from it in the future? I would kick myself if I didn't bank it and later found out she needed it. I would advise you to look at the CBR website and they can tell you specifically about its uses. Interestingly, my father, who is in biotechnology, was so impressed and adamant about the need to bank the baby's cord blood that he recently gave this as a gift to my sister on the birth of her first baby.

Response 8
I banked both my girls cord blood with CBR and everything worked out great (even though the decision with my first was kind of last-minute like yours... my ob had the kit in the office and even cpmc has cbr-kits handy, in case you REALLY decide last minute...

I was hesitating as well, of course, because there are lots of people, and also doctors, that say it's useless. But my ob did it for her own son and that made me think. I'm an insurance-person, I just like to be prepared, even for the unlikliest event and I am luckily in the position that I can afford banking my kids' blood. That's why I did it. If you don't do it, please consider donating the cord blood.

I did some research at that time and found out that most moms go with CBR or viacord. I decided to do CBR because 1) my ob went with them and 2) because CBR only does banking, nothing else. It's very unlikely that they go broke.

I've read that your baby's cord blood might be able to help a sibling (if existing) or another family member. There are some great success stories about this (I read it in the CBR newsletters that I receive periodically).

I have a discount coupon for 250$ off which I will forward to you. I don't know how much the total is right now, you will have to check on their website. But if you refer other people you get one year of free storage and that saves you some money. I'm not sure if viacord for example has such a system.

Response 9
Unfortunately, I did not bank my son or daughters cord blood but in retrospect I definitely would. I was recently diagnosed with a bone marrow disorder and now realize the importance of this for treating bone marrow disease, especially if a bone marrow transplant is ever needed and no sibling match is available.....

- Lei

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