Thursday, April 17, 2008

"Musical" Bed

This is not a post about the crib... that's coming. Like Musical Chairs, "Musical Bed" is what I started doing with my husband at night in the last week or so. Because my stomach is getting so big, it has been hard to sleep well or through the night.

We actually have 3 places we can sleep in our apt - our bedroom, the guest bedroom, or the couch - each with it's level of firmness, incline, and advantages. For 3 months now, I have been getting up frequently at night since my little one loves to play with my bladder and I drink about 3-4 glasses of water at night to stay hydrated.

To add to that, in the last couple of weeks, I have taken up the habit of switching beds to sleep in to get more comfortable - my definition of "Musical" Bed. Poor Jaime basically gets kicked out of wherever he is sleeping if that is my next preferred sleeping destination. Yeah, we have been sleeping separately since I need a lot of room to be comfortable.

Surprisingly the couch has become my favorite place to switch to in the middle of the night. Since my tummy is big, on a flat bed, it almost feel like I am sleeping inclined downward with my stomach pushing toward my face and cutting off some circulation or giving me heart burn. Since the couch has more softness, my stomach can sink a bit when I sleep side ways there creating less pressure toward my chest. Who knew?

This is unfortunate for Jaime as he has taken up the habit of falling asleep in front of the TV on the couch. I basically kick him off the couch in the middle of the night, so I can try to continue to sleep. Luckily for me, he has been very cooperative and usually I can get another 2-3 hours of sleep that way - sometime snoring soundly.

Thanks honey for allowing me to play "musical" bed with you at night. Three more weeks to go!

- Lei

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