Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Final Stretch!

Literally and timing-wise. Just when I think my stomach cannot possibly stretch any further, I do. I have less than 4 weeks to go - yikes!

She is, at least, fairly gentle and gradually wiggles so my tummy can keep stretching. Before last night, I thought I am probably done stretching since I am huge already, but no, she proves me wrong again. I could literally feel myself growing last night and definitely feel bigger this morning.

Thank god I am no longer working. I cannot really sit more than an hour without having to rest or stretch. At least I can still walk pretty well everyday. As of today, I have gained about 36 pounds - WOW! Hopefully she will stop me around 40 pounds.

Her movements are so pronounced now, although no visible foot or fist through my skin, but I can almost guess what part of her is moving now given the size of the bump I feel through my skin. I rather like her movements. It comforts me to think she is active and doing well. She is facing downward now for about 4 weeks already. I have no idea how babies can be upside down for so long and not get a head rush. I guess she is in fluids, so it's different.

Can't wait to meet her next month. :-)

- Lei

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