Saturday, January 26, 2008

Remembering the day the stick turned "+"

It was Friday Sept 14th 2007, 4 weeks after I started my job at McCann. I had an afternoon meeting at 4pm in the building, so I walked all the way over there only to realize outlook lied and the person I am meeting with works not only in my building but on my floor. c'est la vie.

I walk back by 4:20 and was for some reason exhausted. I had a quick 10 min meeting with that person, did a few other things, and went home a little before 5pm. I couldn't understand why I was so drained and sleepy. I barely got enough energy to get into bed. As soon as I did I fell asleep.

A little after 6pm, I woke still dizzy and feeling weak. Maybe I am sick, I thought. Then, I thought, maybe I am pregnant. No, it couldn't be the latter. For the last two months, whenever I thought I was pregnant because I was tired and my period was a few days late, I was wrong.

"How many days past my period, is it?" I counted in my head, 42 days, wow, maybe.... although whenever I am stressed, it's late and this new job is full of new stress. I was planning to wait until the weekend to be sure. I didn't want to be too hopeful. Literally in the last 2 months, I would do the EPT thinking for sure I was pregnant only to find out I was not and then get my period a few days later.

Jaime came in to the bedroom to find out if I was ok. I said I was tired but didn't say anything more. I have to know now - instead of waiting - this dizzyness is unusual. Without telling him what I was about to do, I went to the bathroom to do the test. Within 3 seconds, the sticks gave me a "+" sign. I couldn't believe it - I am pregnant! I am pregnant!. I started crying instantly from happiness. I emerged from the bathroom with tears on my face and a big smile. I gave Jaime a hug and told him "we are pregnant!" :-)

The next day, we told both of our parents and Emily, Jaime's sister. It was Sept 15th, 2007 and also Jaime's parents' 40th wedding anniversay. We were so happy to share such good news with them on their special day.

- Lei

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