Thursday, January 10, 2008

Now I am scared!

So, I am probably reading too much about pregnancy because it is scaring me. Two nights ago, I was reading "girlfriend's guide to pregnancy" - the chapter on "labor and delivery". For the first time, it dawned on me that this is going to hurt A LOT :-(

I think I have been in denial that somehow I will hurt less or perhaps I just need to think that so I am not freaked out. Also people always focus on the beauty of pregnancy or much less else. Well, this book goes into a lot of detail of how it will really feel. This knowledge + knowing that a short labor period is 12 hours gave me a much more instant sense of what it might really be like. YIKESSS!!!

I also read that I cannot eat or drink anything once I get to the hospital until I give birth. I will get everything thru an IV. I hope not. Food has became such a necessity these days every 2-3 hours. I cannot imagine not having anything for more than 10 hours. I will clarify this with my OB.

At the end of day, I am now starting to talk to my baby girl to tell her to be healthy but not grow too big. I am still having a hard time imagine producing a baby out of my body in 4 months. It's so surreal. I am only comforted by the knowledge that people all around me have given birth and seem to be fine. So whatever is the pain, I will be fine.

Maybe too much reading is not a good thing.. I will have to go back to denial mood again and enjoy the happiness of my growing belly and those constant little movement she makes. Regardless, I cannot wait to meet my baby girl!

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