Tuesday, December 4, 2007

A funny story about tights

I discovered soon after I knew I was pregnant that dresses and skirts actually were the most comfortable for me to wear, given there is little restriction around my stomach. (I pull my skirt way up on my waist to avoid the lower tummy).

The only drawback was the weather was turning cold and I no longer had tights that fit me to wear. I proceed to buy larger sizes. First a medium, still too tight, returned it; Then a large, still too tight in some places, returned it; Finally, I went a maternity store and got a pair designed for pregnant women. I debated about sizes since I could not try it on and unlike Target, I cannot return it once I buy.

So I followed their chart and got a small. As soon as I got home, I tried it. Guess what, it was still too small. This was not helping with my morale and now I cannot return it. I was not happy. still I kept it and thought well maybe it won't be so bad. It was not as tight as the other ones.

Today, it's rainy, so I wanted to wear rain boots and a dress. So out comes my preggie tights. I braced for the tightness and it was there but ok and walked to work. Then something dawned on me - maybe I am wearing it backwards. There was no direction on which side was front and which side was back. My instinct was to put the part with more elastic in the back, given I usually have more junk in the trunk when not pregnant. While I was walking, it dawned on me that pregnant women would need more room in the front.

I proceed to go to the bathroom at work at the first chance I had and reverse the tights. Lo and behold, it fits perfectly!

- Lei

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG, that is HILARIOUS!!! All these little nuances about pregnancy. Boy, am I learning a lot! Who needs "What To Expect When You're Expecting?!"