Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Diva Xmas Event - Fashion Exchange was a blast!

Every diva event has been fun but I never knew how fun Fashion Exchange would be until we did one last Friday. Eight divas showed up with 80+ pieces of clothes, accessories, and shoes. At first I thought maybe one or two people will find some stuff they like and we would have to donate the rest.

How wrong I was! Imagine this - Helina's living room was turned into a shopping haven with cool stuff everywhere. All the Divas then laid out the stuff according to rough sections - one couch for dresses, one couch for pants and skirts, one couch for tops, center table for accessories and shoes by the windows. Soon enough the living room also became a full on changing room as everyone excitedly tried on new stuff and some of us tell stories of where a particular piece of clothing comes from.

here are highlights for the event.
- first the food: Little Thai was amazing and only cost $15/person. The whole fried fish did not "unfry itself" during delivery (ask Michelle to explain this one)
- Helina's pad had an amazing view of the golden gate bridge and had mirrors lined up on the floor of the living room - perfect for trying on shoes.
- Anna's new black cocktail dress - so sassy
- Helina's new blue dress - so hot
- "Wait a minute, we are wearing the same kind of underwear" (see photo)
- every top looked great on Judy
- Asha was the fastest in picking out stuff and was done and helping others before many of us started.
- Everyone has the same pants size as Judy, who brough at least 8 pairs of pants
- Gold dragon spike heels for Tamara (watch out Bill)
- Big cream preggie coat for Lei: I still need to grow into it
- Thanks Lan for suggesting that we do free for all shopping instead of keeping track of who brought how many items and go one-by-one. Her way was so much more fun
- Everyone agrees we must do this again next year (maybe in the spring)

Here are all the photos:
Happy Holidays!

- Lei

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