Saturday, December 1, 2007

I am going to be a mom!

I really never thought men or women were that different before I became pregnant. Yeah, we have different parts but beyond that, things all seemed to work out the similarly enough: Just like boys, I

- climbed trees as a kid
- played fake gun games
- studied engineering
- worked in consulting
- climbed that corporate ladder...

Now that I am 4 months pregnant, I am in a whole new world that I know men will never experience and may not fully understand. It's so weird. I always wanted kids, but wanting kids and actually finding out that I am pregnant and will have a baby in May feel totally different. It's a little shocking at times, but mostly exciting.

On the down side, the degree of changes my body, hormones, and mind are goinging through is always a bit strange. From morning sickness and nausea to hormonal mood swings to increased gas and constipation, there is a lot to adapt. I know I know. 4 million women in the US every year are pregnant, so I know I am not alone. It's still uncomfortable.

Now that I am "in my golden trimester" though, I am starting to see the bright side of all this. I am going to feel the baby move in a few weeks - it's going to be amazing. I have seen two ultrasounds of my baby. First one was just a dot, but the second one at 12 weeks actually had full form with head, arms, legs. The head is huge and about half the body. The whole baby was only 1 inch long. Technology these days are amazing. I also heard my baby's heartbeat for the first time. It's 153 beats a minutes and sounds super strong. see my little youtube video.

I am told that I will get to bond with the baby all throughout the pregnancy, which basically includes the baby kicking me. I cannot believe I am looking forward to it, but I am. I am supposed to feel it in the next few weeks. Let's hope. We will also find out the gender in two weeks - Dec 17 - so exciting. I am so looking forward to my next ultrasound. Now I just have to settle for an ever growing stomach and appetite. I have gained 9 pounds so far - yeeks and expect to gain a total of 35 pounds. so much to look forward to....

- Lei

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