Monday, February 11, 2008

More Q&A with my OB

1. When should I stop doing bikram yoga?
whenever I feel like it - no restriction. I can do them until I am 9 months if I want
2. Do you know how much my baby weighs now?
it's probably about 2 pounds
3. Do we file paternity benefit paperwork with you as well?
Yes. you can download form online
4. What is the position of the baby?
It's all over and rotating a lot
5. Are you 100% sure it's a girl? 99%. ultrasound technician usually will say if they are not sure
6. when is my next ultrasound?
no more until labor as I have a very normal pregnancy
7. can I still drive in my 9th month?
8. when should we do tour of hospital?
last month of pregnancy
9. does drinking water help with contractions?
yes, especially false ones
10. when do you need to see my birth plan?
I don't ever need to see it. It's more of a guide for you, not a requirement
11. are foot massages safe until the 9th month?
12. do I need to designate a pediatrician before birth?
yes, but you don't need to notify him of labor - we will contact him/her
13. travel restrictions?
can travel still in the 8th months fly or drive is ok - just take breaks
14. Am I AB+, AB- or AB?
15. I sweat a lot at night. is this normal?
16. 100% cocoa butter - safe?
17. 1000 yr old egg - safe to eat?
18. chiro care - safe?
19. If I overeat and sometimes food will come up - if this normal?
very normal

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