Friday, December 30, 2011

4 hours of sleep is heaven

While a new baby is such a miracle, she also brings many changes and challenges to our life right now.

- I haven't sleep much in 2 weeks and it looks like that will be the case for a few months. The most heavenly sleep is a 4 hr stretch one night as Alexis slept for 4.5 hours. Most of the time I get anywhere from 30 min to 2 hrs at a time. Maybe at most 6 hrs total in a few segments - the price I pay for breast feeding her instead of using formula. She is worth it. I love watching her eyelashes grow among other things.
- I eat 6 times a day and seem always dehydrated. Milk production is no easy task I guess. I am basically a milk making and delivery machine right now.
- Agnes helps me at night and daddy is sleeping with isabel now. Both changes also result in less sleep for them as we all adapt to the new arrangement. Isabel misses yaya but is getting better at sleeping with daddy now and vice versa.
- its so nice my mom is here to make me yummy soup and food. Will need to figure out what to eat after she leaves
- I am still taking pain medication for the c section. With isabel. It took 3 month to recover. I am hoping it will only take 6 weeks this time. Will see.
- it took me 18 months to lose most of my weight. Hope I can do it again.

Wish us luck.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Isabel loves to dress up

Of all the expensive presents isabel got - toys, piano, bicycle etc..., isabel love this simple dress up set she got from agnes. Look at the fake earrings, pink purse and pink sandals. Her cousin Gabby got the same present but in purple. Now she walks around everywhere in the house in those high heel sandals.


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy Holidays 2011

Dear friends,

We want to wish you happy holidays.  2011 has been a very eventful year for the Lapena family.
  • Our biggest news, of course, is the birth of our second daughter on Dec 15, 2011, Alexis Ling ( ) Lapena.  You can see a lot more photos, videos and news of Alexis on our blog at  We feel truly blessed to have a very healthy girl.  We are all still adjusting to the schedule but the look of her angelic face everyday makes it all worth it.
  • Isabel has become a very social, talkative, opinionated, active little girl.  Isabel started Mandarin preschool two days a week in June.  She is now almost fluent in Mandarin and loves talking to me and grandma/grandpa Han in Mandarin.  She also loves her Karate classDance class, and swimming classes.  She is very excited to be the big sister now although she is still adjusting to having to share us with Alexis. We are all enjoying our interaction with her and watching her grow every day. 
  • Jaime had a big year.  He started work at a start-up called Assistly (a customer service software company) in Feb - as Director of Marketing. He is learning a ton from the executive team and loves what he does.  In late September, it was bought by  While he didn't make a fortune, they made it worthwhile for him to stay.  The only downside is he is working a lot more as now he has even more aggressive goals to meet.
  • Lei had quite a rewarding year as well.   I didn't work in the corporate world all year. I am enjoying motherhood and dabbling in entrepreneurship. I launched two websites, learned SEO, paid search, and truly found my passion in providing career advice and helping people develop soft skills.  My blog now attracts over 13k visitors worldwide a month. 
  • Agnes continues to be an invaluable part of our family. We are so thankful to have her in our life
We look forward to another year of growth and adventure next year.  Best wishes in 2012

Lei, Jaime, Isabel, Alexis, and Agnes 

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Home sweet home

We set up Alexis' crib in our living room and agnes with Isabel's help decorated. Alexis is very happy in her home environment.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Best friends forever

Two years ago, I started a mothers group in our neighborhood so that isabel can have more kids to play with. Since then, she has became best of friends with several kids who live nearby - Ayza is one of them.
Ayza lives in one of the townhouse. Her front door and kitchen window can be seen from our balcony. Isabel and Ayza are only 10 days apart in age and loves to play with each other.
Sadly we found out their family is moving to Hillsboro at the end of this month. We plan to keep in touch but obviously isabel will not see Ayza as often then. So isabel got this friendship bracelet and hat for Ayza for the holidays.
May they grow up together and always be good friends

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sister Forever

Isabel is quickly adopting the big sister role. While she definitely exhibit some jealousy, she is also very loving and curious toward baby Alexis. Can't wait to see them play together.

Love at First Sight

I am a romantic but still I didn't believe in love at first sight until I became a mother. When isabel was born, I was in love instantly with her.

Before Alexis was born, I was worried. Do I have enough love for both? How do I split my love for each? Well, I needn't worry. Love for Alexis did not not take away any of my love for isabel. It's more like my heart just grew bigger to love both differently.

I am happy to say that it was also love at first sight for Alexis. What's not to love? Such a pure face, soft skin and unconditional love just poured from her. I can only react equally.

These two pics are one of isabel and one of Alexis from the hospital. Can u tell which is which?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Marathon Feeding

Alexis is 5 days old.  Yesterday was her first day home and it was quite a challenge.  Three days ago, in the hospital, I got my milk early but she didn't know how to breast feed well yet.  I was so frustrated that I had to give her a little formula even though I had milk for her.  She was falling asleep every min instead of trying to feed from me.

So I was wishing hard that she learns quickly how to breast feed. I loved doing it with Isabel and so I didn't want to miss out with Alexis.   Well, Alexis is a fast learner.  After seeing a lactation consultant in the hospital, I learned how to teach Alexis to breast feed and she learned fast.  and I got my wish a little too well.

That brings me to last night and my Marathon breast feeding session.  She turned into a baby that can't get enough breast milk.  I fed her at 11:30pm and then try to sleep a little.  Alexis woke up at 1:30 and the Marathon begins from 1:30am to 6am of almost non stop breast feeding.

  • she pooped first and then I fed her on both side for 20 min each
  • I went back to sleep at 2:20am only to wake at 2:48 am to find her hungry again
  • fed her again on both side for 20 min each.
  • she pooped again and still wanted more.  Now it's almost 4am
  • I fed her again on both side for 20 min each
  • Both Agnes and I tried to put her down and I had a chance to eat a snack.  so hungry after she ate so much.
  • Well, as soon as I finished eating, she fussed again wanted more food at 5am
  • Fed her more from 5-6am until finally she passed out at 6am.
I have never had to breast feed for 4.5 hours before.  It was quite an experience.  Agnes and I were both exhausted.  But I got my wish.  Now she eats more than Isabel did at her age.  I guess I need to be careful what I wish for.   :-)   Thankfully, she slept from 6am - 10am so I got about 3 hours of sleep within that to start the day anew.

She is now on a 2 hour feeding schedule during the day.  From beginning feeding time to the next one is 2 hours, so if I feed her at 10am for 45 min to an hour, then I feed her again at 12pm then 2pm and so on.   I guess this is why new moms never get enough sleep.  She has been good today sleeping after feeding.

It's 9pm now and I am bracing for another interesting night.  wish me luck.


Monday, December 19, 2011

Isabel welcomes Alexis

Today, isabel came to the hospital to help Alexis gets discharged and welcome her home.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sleepy family

Both isabel and jaime fell asleep earlier today next to my hospital bed. What a family.

First successful feeding

It's amazing how complicated breast feeding can be. This time my milk came in two days which is super fast but Alexis didnt learn how to suck until just now. So I have been engorged and worried sick that she doesn't have enough to eat although I had the milk. After a day of struggle (pumping, hand express, training her how to get the milk and tons of worrying), she has her first successful feeding - 20 min of almost continuous large sucking (she use to stop after two motions), she promptly fell asleep here satisfied and I finally feel content to have fed her well. Looking forward to the next feeding in about an hour and 20 min.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Already a protective big sister

Winner of cutest cheeks contest

I know I am biased but I must say Alexis has the cutest cheeks I have ever seen. :-)

Alexis Ling (玲) Lapena

We just received the best Xmas gift ever.   On Thursday Dec 15th at 1038am, our second daughter was born by C section at the CPMC Hospital in San Francisco.  Everything went very smoothly.

Introducing our new daughter - Alexis Ling (玲) Lapena born on Dec 15, 2011.  Alexis means "defender" and 玲 means a "tinkling of jade" and it means "clever, intelligent" in Chinese.  We picked this name probably in August already and just couldn't think of any better names after that.  The weird thing is the name Alexis is only one letter different from the name Isabel.  I guess they are just meant to be sisters.  Alexis is born year of the rabbit.  Read here for more personalities of people born this year. 

Alexis was born 8 lb 5oz and 20inches long.   Both mommy and Alexis are healthy and doing fine - enjoying our first moments together :-)


p.s: No gifts pls as we are overflowing with clothes and toys. We gladly accept hand me downs and if you insist, gift cards to Target or Amazon.  thanks.

Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How fast Isabel has grown

I remember thinking when she was just 1, how far away 3 years old is and in a flash she is already almost 4 years old.  Wow, here are the highlights

4 weeks - she was already sleeping 5 hours straight at night
6 week - her first long giggle.  It was so cute
12 weeks or so - can flip over after much effort
5 months - started scooting, the beginning of crawling
5 months - also when we did the dreaded sleep training - took 3 tries and was so hard but then she started sleeping through the night
9 months - standing and walking around the table
1 year exactly - took her first steps independent in the hall way
1-2 years - basic words and learning how to go from walking to running
1.5 years - mommy started a mothers group in the building and she started making friends - ayza, ellie, ronan, ronen, darwin, newton, nadia, etc..
2 years - love the word no although was never too terrible.
2.2 years - started walking "qiao hu" which is the Chinese educational cartoon with the Tiger.  loves it
2.5 years - talking in sentences
3 years - started with the whys but not too much.  I guess because we always explains things to her.  She hasn't harassed us with endless whys.
3.1 years - started preschool 2 days a week in Mandarin
3.4 years - can speak Mandarin in full sentences and understand mama in Mandarin wow
3.5 years - started grinding her teeth at night - a habit of most little ones I heard until they are 6. ugh.
3.6 years - a very talkative young lady, social, friendly, smart, shares, and loving.  She loves hanging with her friends just running and giggling.  She is ready to welcome her little sister.

I am so blessed to be her mama.


Isabel loves "pai pai"

I am not sure if every child is like this, but I was like this as a kid.  Whenever I can't sleep, I would ask my mom to "pai pai" me - which is pat me on the back rhythmically until I fall asleep.  It gave me a sense of comfort and safety as the rhythm help me sleep and the contact ensures me that mommy is always there.

I started "pai pai" Isabel a year ago.  She love it and now it's kind of a routine at night and sometimes during naps. She like it pretty light and the funny thing is as I do it for her, it actually help me sleep too as it's so repetitive.

another trivia about Isabel


"I utot"

"utot" is one of the few words that Isabel knows in Tagalog.  It sounds so cute when she says it, but she unfortunately loves the word and says it all the time- when she "utot" and when she is not.

what does it mean?  well, you can look it up.  it's not the most pleasant word, but it's just so funny when she says it.   The sound of the word is also its meaning.

anyway, just some Isabel trivia


Monday, December 12, 2011

pregnancy survival tips

Here are mine - although I don't plan to be preggie again.  Maybe it will help others.

  • eat small meals especially in 1st trimester. 
  • throw up if I feel nausea and then eat some more. It's okay.  nausea and throwing up just means my pregnancy is very healthy
  • tums and acid reducer
  • prenatal vitamins - just get over the counter or online - no need to overspend with OB prescription.  as long as it's mostly organic and has enough folic acid
  • unisom - 25mg - take half dose is enough - a life saver for helping me sleep in the last month - no side effects, perfectly safe and not addictive
  • tylenol for stretching pains
  • lots of water day and night to stay hydrated.  about 12 glasses a day of water and juice
  • Monistat 7 - safe to treat during preggie.  if you don't know what it is, don't ask
  • prunes  or fresh watermelon juice on an empty stomach does the trick
  • zero gravity cushion - Jaime got me these 6 years ago for xmas and I thought weird and bulky.  He got it for my back. OMG, I love it for this pregnancy.  perfect on our couch to take the pressure off my back
  • Dr. Pete - weekly neck adjustment - awesome for keeping me healthy and balanced
  • cardio at least once a week - help circulation and sleep.  was still working out last week.   probably not this last week as I don't want to deliver earlier than Thursday.
  • borrow preggie clothes from friends.
Well, enjoying my last few days before my little one comes.


3 days to go

wow, it's this week. I can't believe it.  Unlike last time, I am not anxious to give birth.  I still feel pretty good and  want to enjoy every moment of it.  I think I will miss my bump after Thursday, as I like feeling her move and turn inside of me during the day and at night.

I can't wait to meet her though.  What will she look like? All I can think of is Isabel and how she looked.  Wonder if they will look alike.  Hope she has daddy's big eyes and mommy's nice skin, but most of all that she is healthy, a good size, and with no major issues.

I am a little nervous about Thursday.  It's still surgery although I will be awake and it's suppose to take only an hour or so.  Well, wish me luck. I will keep you posted.


Saturday, December 10, 2011

It's Xmas

We set up our tree on Monday. Agnes and isabel did it together. They had fun. Santa has already started dropping off tons of presents. Isabel can't wait to open them.

A Moment in Time

It was Thursday evening Dec 8.  The moon was almost full, bright and smiling down at us.  The air was cool and crisp. We (Jaime, Agnes, Isabel, and I) were walking back from Fuzio after dinner.  It was only about 7:30.

As I walked across the 3rd floor bridge connecting Embarcadero I and the plaza leading to our apt, I paused to take a deep breath.  Everything just felt so peaceful.  I was content, happy for no apparent reason, but everything felt right, normal, and magical.   I felt my daughter moving inside me a little; I felt the bridge tremble from the passing traffic below; I see Isabel happily drinking orange juice from a small bottle and I see Agnes and Jaime walking a little ahead of me.

I don't know what it was, but I felt so in tuned with life and the world at that moment.  My senses could feel everything around me - gentle and flowing with me.  All I can do was smile to myself as I look at my family on a typical Thursday night.


Monday, December 5, 2011

Isabel's first carousel ride in september

When we went to Sloane's birthday in September, Isabel had her first solo Carousel ride.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Isabel's first time at the ocean

In September when the weather was in the mid-70s, we discovered a new gem near SF - a beach in Pacifica is gorgeous and convenient to get to - only about 30 min drive.  It was Isabel's first time by the ocean and she loved it. See these videos