Friday, December 12, 2008

It's like Christmas morning

Remember that feeling of a kid on Xmas morning - when you wake up and start feeling the anticipation of opening presents - what will await for me in those boxes, what delightful surprises. Your heart is pounding; you feel exhilarated; and you feel you can't wait to get your hands on those wrappings to see what is inside.

That is how I feel everyday in the morning before I open the door to wake up Isabel. People sometimes ask how I feel to be a mom and I think this is the best way I can describe the joy of having Isabel in my life. She is like a present that I open every morning when I open her bedroom door. She is sometimes crying for attention, sometimes smiling with glee, but whatever her expression, my heart just melts when I see her and hold her.

I feel the same way on my way back from work. I start walking faster and faster as I get closer to home, getting excited. I know I have my present (Isabel) at home to see and enjoy. What expression will she have today?

Ahh, for all the work that motherhood is, I would not trade it for anything in the world. :-)

- Lei

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