Saturday, February 2, 2013

Bikram yoga day 3

It's 7:42 on Saturday morning and I am on the bus on my way to yoga. My muscles are actually tingling with excitement.

I thought I would have a hard time waking up this morning but just the opposite. Since I knew I had class, I woke up at 430, 6, 630 each time happy I could sleep a little more. Then at 655 I woke up again 3 min before my alarm. Good thing because I forgot my alarm was only set for weekdays. ;-)

I had a soy milk banana and berries shake for breakfast and off I am on the bus. I know the first few poses will be hard as I am sore and the body is stiff in the morning. Will let you know how it goes after class.
It's 9:55am. Bus 1 is packed with Cantonese people heading to Chinatown. I go to funky door yoga on Polk so the bus passes right through Chinatown. At least it's only a 10 min ride. Can't beat the convenience. With my calm from class, I smile as other passengers talks loudly in Cantonese to each other. C'est la vie

Class was great. Both of my favorite teacher was there. Ryan (a girl) was teaching and Mark was taking the class along with one other teacher. I was really stiff in the first two postures but was surprised to relax by midway and still really do a deep class. By the time I laid on the floor 60 min in to do the floor series I knew I can make it through. I also learn something about one posture I never knew we before. That was quite helpful.

I had a pear after class. It was delicious. I will be back again tomorrow at 8am. ;-). Saturday is off to a great start!


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