Monday, December 17, 2012

Happy Birthday to Alexis - 1 years old

Times flies and Alexis is already 1 years old. I almost have to pinch myself to believe it. She and Isabel are both growing up so fast. She has not started walking yet and part of me almost don't want her to as then I will miss the baby part of her as she gets more and more independent.

 Alexis is a darling and very good natured. She loves to smile and is quite social. She loves to wave and clap her hands.

 We celebrate her birthday first with a lunch with Jaime's high school friends for the holidays and then Xmas dinner at Grandparents Lapena's house where both Roy and Alexis celebrated their birthday. Alexis was born on Dec 15, Roy on Dec 18.

A big milestone is we stopped feeding her formula yesterday and started her on Whole Milk.  so far so good. :-)


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