Sunday, April 5, 2009

Isabel is 11 months old

Isabel is a big girl now. We had to change her car seat already to this one on the right because she is probably 30 inches or more now.

Daddy went to the CHP and had it installed and we tried it for the first time today and she loves it. Still facing backwards as it is the safest. We will turn it around after she gets to 35 pounds, which will be awhile. Right now she is about 21 pounds.

Her face is also getting better although very slowly and still dry. She is such a trooper though and never really complains. She sleeps through the night mostly and some days she would wake up and cry due to teething or a bad dream. I love it when I can go in and just hold her until she falls asleep on my chest sometimes. It is as much for me as it is for her, probably even more for me. I feel the world is right when she is sleeping on me and all is ok. How weird huh? I guess I must be reflecting how she feels.

Motherhood is great and we are planning her 1 year old celebration next month.

- Lei
p.s: I love the photo on the left. I took it today while she was playing with toys at a friend's house I was attending a baby shower there.

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