Monday, July 1, 2013

Our PV Zip line Adventure

This is what I posted on TripAdvisor + photos just for the family blog

We really enjoyed this adventure and will definitely recommend it to others. I will tell you the few hiccups at the end. Here are the highlights.
  1. Fun begins right away. Unlike other adventures where the fun doesn't begin until you get to the destination, our fun started right away with the fast boat ride starting at the marina terminal. The boat was truly fast. I felt like I was in Miami Vice racing toward Havana 
  2. Transfers were quick – no long wait. Our transfer to the 4 by 4 was super quick and after another 20 min was by base camp. Then we were on our Mules after getting all the gear and first set of photos taken. Whenever we transferred, we never felt like we were waiting forever 
  3. We loved the many varieties of adventures – fast boat, mule ride, ziplining upright, upside down and propelling off the cliff wall along the water fall, rope bridge walk, and the final waterslide were all exhilarating. Both hubby and I love the varieties we were got in one adventure 
  4. Took shorter time than expected – We left at 1:30 and got back to the Marina by 7pm. I love that even though the website said 6.5hours which would make it 8pm. Getting back early meant we had the whole evening still to enjoy and have fun. 
  5. Accommodating guides – We are not allowed to bring anything on the 2.5 hours adventure in the mountains but I mentioned that I have low blood sugar and they carried a small snack for me in their back pack. 
  6. Divina – I initially talked to Divina about the adventure. She is very responsive and helpful and always can be reached by email. They even moved the Tour for us by a day since we discovered a conflict once we arrived in Mexico. 
  7. WE felt very SAFE – all the guides knew their stuff well and we felt safe at all times. I will definitely recommend this adventure to others.
Here are two areas where they can improve

  • Guides could have interacted with the adventurers more - While the guides all knew their stuff – not all of them seem outgoing and comfortable interacting with the adventurers. It was a little strange to see them joking with each other but not with us. I have done zip lining once before 7 years old. On that tour, every guide was very intent on entertaining us all along the way and knew how. Vallarta Adventurer guides seem very trained on the safety stuff but was less trained on making small talk. At one point, we were transferring from one repel line to another zip line and all of us were kind of lost as to where to go. None of the six guides stayed with us. They were either ahead or behind. When 3 of them finally caught up to us, they were just joking with each other in Spanish. It was kind of weird. 
  • Rash guard should be optional - We were all made to wear their rash guards for the ziplining etc… They smelled a bit and frankly I would have liked to wear my own if they told us beforehand it was necessary. I think they do this for their marketing as well since all of them say Vallarta adventure on them. Their website photos didn’t indicate this either as everyone looked like they wear their own t-shirts. I disliked forced over-marketing at the expense of the adventurers.

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