Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A Very Happy Birthday to Me :-)

I was surrounded by good friends and family.  It was a nice, breezy 88 degrees in Burlingame on July 4 - perfect weather to hang out and watch the kids play in the backyard. The BBQ cooked by Brett was divine - tri-tip, sausage, corn, zucchini - all SO GOOD.  Kerry made the best Guacomole - we finished it in no time.  Thank you both!  It was nice to also have Roy finally move to CA.  Everything was right that day.

Finally we had a chance to fully put the huge backyard to good use.  The inflatable pool was the perfect size for Gabby, Isabel, Alexis, Riya, and Sloane to play in.  They had a blast.  The adult also played sling shot water ballons and ballon toss.  All in all, a perfect 4th of July and birthday celebration.

Thanks honey for pulling it together;  Thanks Brett and Kerry for leading the charge on the BBQ; Thanks mom and dad for letting us having it at your house and the very funny bday card and nice gift.  Thanks sis for another great card and gifts.  I will need more help from you as your card suggest, as July should be a month of bday celebration. :-)  You know what I am talking about.    Thanks to Rain, Shai, Ronen, Asha, Mel, and Riya for making it although it was so last minute.  Finally the patriotic cupcakes from Em and Roy were awesome.  I thoroughly enjoyed watching Alexis devour a whole one all by herself (see video).  She loved it.

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