Sunday, July 29, 2012

Calista's birthday party at sf zoo

Isabel had a blast. She had her face painted a pink rabbit, took photos with the giraffe and rode the puffer train with her friend Gavin.

We did all this after her munchkin run this morning.

Munchkin run 1/2 mile

Isabel and her friends did great and ran 1/2 mile this morning. Perhaps we will try 1 mile next year

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Isabel's Dance Recital

On a happier note, Jaime and I took off from work early Friday afternoon so we can see Isabel's dance recital and she was soooo cute.  She was so excited as we bought her ballet slipper and she got to wear makeup for the recital. Personally I think the make up part is a little over the top.  I don't like the concept of the school pushing kids to grow up so fast.

With that said, she looked beautiful and like a real ballerina.  Agnes also put her hair up in a bun. She got the whole works.  Well, here are the videos.  What do you think?

The teacher told us "Isabel is very special" and listened very well for such a young kid.  I agreed with her although I wished she would have stopped there.  The teacher then kept me for another 5 min pushing me to get her into more classes at her school. When I kept saying no because it was too hard for us to get to, she kept pushing, telling me to check out her site and the award their school gets.

I know it's a good school, but I definitely didn't like the hard sales tactic. Frankly I still want Isabel to enjoy play and try different things like Dance, Karate, Soccer, swimming. I am not about to push her into serious ballet training. I am still waiting to see what Isabel will really gravitate toward. only time can tell. Right now, she just likes to wear her ballet slipper everyday. I plan to sign her up for the classes at DanceMission. We can get there easier by Bart - 24th and mission and the teachers seems to be more focused on promoting the love and fun of dancing which I like. we will see where this goes.


Do not take the bus in SF if you have two little kids.

Last week, Isabel attended Dance Camp every morning at the Shen Poon Dance Academy in the Richmond district. We had no idea how tough it would be for Agnes to take her there by bus. Bus is NOT a good way to travel if you have two little kids with a stroller.

  •  Did you know you are required to take the kids out of the strollers on the bus given a kid has been injured once and they got sued?
  • Did you know bus driver are usually annoyed when you ask them to lower the ramp so you can get the stroller on board?
  • Did you know the other passengers can care less if you got two kids? Someone actually tried to steal the seat from Agnes who had two kids?
Well morale of the story, no more activities where it's only accessible by bus.  We ended up driving Agnes up every morning Tues-Thursday.  She still took the bus to pick up Isabel and bring her back, but at least we lessen the work a little.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Wrath of BLingLing

Since Alexis is named Ling Ling. We all call her BlingLing. She is cute even when she has a tantrum. Lei

Friday, July 20, 2012

Alexis LOVES Bread

I couldn't believe it, she ate a lot of bread at dinner tonight. We were eating and she was mad that she was not part of it. She was even picking up the bread on her own to eat it. Well here she goes chasing after the bread with her mouth. sooo cute.  she probably had at least 30 bites like that and loved everything.  

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Alexis does not like Gerber banana

It's sweet and for some reason, she hates it. Her expression is hilarious

Check out my new car

Don't I look fly?

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Alexis Love Red Velvet Cupcake

For Agnes' birthday, I got her red velvet cupcakes. Well, before she can eat it, Alexis was keen on eating some too. She has been like that. every time we eat, she stares and we can tell she wants to try everything. Since she started solid last month, we have been giving her baby food but also a little bread and some other stuff we eat. Well, we gave her some of the base of the cup cake less sweet. She LOVED it. It was a special occasion. She just wanted to help Yaya celebrate her big birthday!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

My favorite bday card

Isabel made this for me for my birthday and I laugh every time I see it. The top two figures are supposed to be me with a ponytail and jaime with glasses and the bottom are isabel and Alexis. Hilarious.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Alexis 6 month check up - 3 weeks ago

All is good. She got 4 shots + a liquid thing and she cried for 5 second and was happy to breastfeeding after that. Still a bit behind Isabel who was both taller and heavier at her age.

Alexis stats
- 80% in height 26.75 inches
- 45% in weight 15lb 13 oz.
Dr hume says she is not growing as fast as before and we should try to get her to drink 32 oz of milk a day. So far we have only been able to get her to drink 25oz a day, but we will keep trying.

 She is starting to eat solid and love that. Overall, she is nice and healthy.


ABC song

Agnes taught me this song when she started taking care of Isabel at 2 months old.  Isabel love it.  Alexis now love it too.  here are the lyrics in case you want to sing it to your kids

A - you are adorable
B - you are so beautiful
C - you are cutie full of charm
D - you are my darling
E - you are exciting
F - you are feather in my arm
G - you look good to me
H - you are so heavenly
I - you are the one I idolize
J - we are like Jack and Jill
K - you are so kissable
L - you are the love light in my eyes
M, N, O, P - I can go on all day
Q, R, S, T - alphabetically speaking you are okay
U - make my life complete
V- means you are very sweet
W, X, Y, Z.
It's fun to wonder through the alphabet with you and tell you what they mean to me.
It's fun to wonder through the alphabet with you and tell you what they mean to me!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

What I am looking forward to

Lately, I have been feeling a little overwhelmed - maybe its the big birthday, maybe it's the returned estrogen (getting aunt flow again), maybe it's the two kids, maybe....

I can go down this path and analyze the why and also dwell on the negatives of what I have been feeling, but that would be a drag and it won't really help me.

During my run today I decided to try something different and share with you what I am looking forward to this week.

1. Salsa dancing tonight at impala
2. Coaching someone tomorrow
3. Breast feeding Alexis in the mornings and when I get home
4. My Zumba class on Tuesday's
5. Bath times with isabel
6. Finding the fun in writing my blog and newsletter. Lately I have been making it a chore, an obligation and it's been a drag. I want to find the fun again in writing. Wish me luck.
7. A fun night to celebrate agnes bday on Friday 13th

Looking forward feels so much better than looking back

This is my small step to change my outlook. Whether it will work or not I don't know but I am glad to be making a change nonetheless.


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103.5 degrees

Isabel woke up with a high fever on Sat. 102.5.  We were worried but luckily it was only a 24 hour bug.  She woke up today with 97.7..  wow we are relieved.  Here is what we did to help her heal

- children's tylenol every 4 hours
- feed her liquids (whatever she want between vitamin water, coconut water, and gatorade)
- try to feed her food (gave her ensure strawberry shake when she didn't want to eat)
- rub her down with a cool towel every 1 hour or two.  she didn't like that but helped a lot with her temperature.
- stayed in
- measured her temp every 90 min.  It was fluctuating between 100.5 and 103.5...pretty strong bug.  but I did read kids get higher fever than adults
- let her rest and nap with her
- lots of TLC
- let her watch tv and movies - she loved that.

It's the first time she had such a high fever but she was such a good little patient even at night in taking medicine.  It's the first time she sounded so tired all day, but this morning she was full of energy and said she felt great.   Kids heal so fast.    I am so thankful


Alexis is starting to crawl

right now she is more like a seal.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Alexis is a big girl now

First time out in stroller without the car seat. Alexis loves it as she is facing outwards and can see a lot. Isabel is of course also excited as she has more space in the back.