Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Isabel's first independent steps

She is walking more and more every day as well as standing up from the ground without holding anything. We captured two videos two days ago - one where she is walking along the walls and the other she took 3 steps without holding anything toward me. So exciting!

- Lei

Monday, April 27, 2009

She is walking.. She is walking

We have yet to capture it on film, but I am so excited. Yesterday, she stood up from the ground while still holding an empty shoe box (she loves boxes). She has been standing up for a few days now. I held out my arm at her shoulder level so she would be incented to walk toward me instead of get down and crawl. And she did! She took 3 little steps towards me while still holding the box in mid air.

I felt so happy - happy that she is starting to walk; happy that I was there to see her first step; happy that Jaime was there too. He was hanging out on the bed while I was playing with Isabel on the floor.

All is all, a really good day! I feel so grateful to have a more relaxing job so I can share so many special moments with our little one. :-)

- Lei

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Isabel loves her new car seat

this video was taken before we installed it. She looks good in it. Isabel says "Thank you Grandma (lao lao in Chinese) and grandpa (lao ye in Chinese) for buying this for me and keeping me safe"

- Lei

Isabel loves to play

these were videos taken when Isabel was playing at someone else's house. Look at all the toys. She was so busy...

- Lei

Isabel is "on a roll" or two

lately, she has taken up to rolling around on the ground. so cute.. she seems to just be relaxing and enjoying herself.

- Lei

Taking a dump?

I know Isabel may hate me later for posting this, but it's so funny. I think she is pooping here as she is all quiet and then once in awhile her face turns red from the effort. :-)

- Lei

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Chinese New Year Dinner - March 7

I know I know. I meant to post this much earlier but tax season totally side-tracked me.

Even the dinner itself was 5-6 weeks after the actual Chinese New Year date this year.

Better late than never though, huh. We had a blast at PPQ on March 7. There were 14 of us enjoying about 5 crabs, several seabass, and many other delicious dishes.

For some, it's their first year joining us. I am so happy they got to meet some of my other friends and like them. :-)

Most of us went to Creations for dessert - yummy fresh fruit and tapioca desserts. Jaime did his extended rendition of introducing everyone to "Crystal Snow" and how it's made. We all were laughing our head off. You have to be there. Maybe next year?

Happy Year of the Ox!

- Lei

Sunday, April 12, 2009

playing on someone else's toy

She loves it. We were at someone's house for a baby shower and Isabel had a ball.

Isabel learned to clap her hands :-)

- Lei

Isabel at the playground

We started taking Isabel to the playground for babies and toddlers on some Sundays. It's right outside Target in San Bruno inside Tanfran mall. Agnes and I would take the baby and Jaime would go do Jiujitsu workout.

Isabel loves it and we are very careful to protect her from the big kids so she does not get run over. She loves this tunnel where she can crawl through. Check it out. :-)

- Lei

A little mystery solved

Ever since I gave birth, I had some minor back aches here and there and pulled it out twice as well. Just in the last week, I figured out why!

Because of the weight of the baby when I was pregnant, my posture changed and I was used to standing with my butt out a bit balancing all that weight in front. Well, after birth, I don't think I changed my posture, so it was always a little off.

I was doing yoga that way which doesn't help, I don't think as I would compound the strain on the lower back. The only reason I finally figure it out is I took a belly dancing class two weeks ago and one of the principles was don't stick your butt out - keep your tummy tight and tuck in the pelvis so the butt is directly under.

Well I totally understand this concept as a dancer, but what I was surprised was the teacher kept telling me to not stick my butt out. I didn't even know I was doing it. After that day, I started noticing that my default posture now was a little off, always with my butt out a bit. So I started consciously tightening my tummy muscles more and make sure my butt is not tilted.

So far it's working as although I am working out more, my lower back feels much better with almost no discomfort. :-)

- Lei

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Isabel is 11 months old

Isabel is a big girl now. We had to change her car seat already to this one on the right because she is probably 30 inches or more now.

Daddy went to the CHP and had it installed and we tried it for the first time today and she loves it. Still facing backwards as it is the safest. We will turn it around after she gets to 35 pounds, which will be awhile. Right now she is about 21 pounds.

Her face is also getting better although very slowly and still dry. She is such a trooper though and never really complains. She sleeps through the night mostly and some days she would wake up and cry due to teething or a bad dream. I love it when I can go in and just hold her until she falls asleep on my chest sometimes. It is as much for me as it is for her, probably even more for me. I feel the world is right when she is sleeping on me and all is ok. How weird huh? I guess I must be reflecting how she feels.

Motherhood is great and we are planning her 1 year old celebration next month.

- Lei
p.s: I love the photo on the left. I took it today while she was playing with toys at a friend's house I was attending a baby shower there.